15 Best investments of 2020-2021
15 Best Investment of 2020-2021 Introduction 2020 has been one of the most interesting years to say the least we've experienced in our lifetimes and since you're interest is in making the most out of this period, we're about to breakdown for you the best performing asset classes and industries of 2020& what we're betting on,to perform well as we go in 2021.Here we discuss the 15 best investments of 2020 and the latest year 2021 which are as follows:- 1) Real-estate:- We said it once & we'll keep saying it:- "Real Estate is the best investment! Medium &long term. Many of you probably waiting for property prices to go down,while smart money has already begun acquiring properties.The pandemic has forced some businesses to sell premium properties that they wouldn't have otherwise let go otherwise,at discounted or fair prices.Here's a golden rule of real estate:- "The profit is made when you acquire a property!. And the pandemic proved t...