The Art of Public Speaking &It's soul factors


"The Art of Public Speaking" means a magical wand who oblivate the audience into the magic of your words presentation like a honeybee stuck to it due to its sweetness.                       Everyone knows how to talk individually, but under a group this talking become an expression of public speaking.                                           Initially, the art of public speaking consists a glossary of 31 chapters described by Dale Carnegie in his book but here we discuss the 4 main soul factors which are Psychology, Charisma, Concentration & Practice. Let us discuss the four of them in detail.                                                                                                                 1) Psychology:- To gain confidence under public speaking the individual have to work upon his/her psychology which contains his feelings, thought& all his physical powers.                                         A person reveals his/her truth  under 3 dimensions which involves words, body language and eyes, uncontradiction between three of them attracts the audience under the individual speech.                                                                                                                                            2)Charisma:- Presenting yourself in front of the mirror and practising the speech in front of the mirror is called Charisma. This effort helps the individual in self- development, removes stage freight and gives a flow of words internally in the form of full fledged confidence.                                                                                                          3) Concentration:-Under public speaking the individual have to check or test his speech in a paper down writing & then speak aloud in a solidarity room as this improves the individual to speak aloud and clear in front of the audience and he. quickly point out the weak points of the subject matter of the speech.                                                                                                                         4) Practice:- In foreign quote "Practice makes a man perfect" and under Bhagvad Gita this practice is called as Karmyoga"as this a continuous work plays a vital role in the development of both internal and external development also called as Personality development.


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