15 Best investments of 2020-2021

 15 Best Investment of 2020-2021


2020 has been one of the most interesting years to say the least we've experienced in our lifetimes and since you're interest is in making the most out of this period, we're about to breakdown for you the best performing asset classes and industries of 2020& what we're betting on,to perform well as we go in 2021.Here we discuss the 15 best investments of 2020 and the latest year 2021 which are as follows:-  

1) Real-estate:-We said it once & we'll keep saying it:-"Real Estate is the best investment! Medium &long term.Many of you probably waiting for property prices to go down,while smart money has already begun acquiring properties.The pandemic has forced some businesses to sell premium properties that they wouldn't have otherwise let go otherwise,at discounted or fair prices.Here's a golden rule of real estate:-"The profit is made when you acquire a property!.And the pandemic proved to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire undervalued great properties.2021 is probably going to be another gret year for real- estate prices since interest rates are so damn low& the businesses are still hungry for capital to keep the lights on,which is why they are willing to sell some of their assets be on the lookout.


2)Gold&Silver:-We love every opportunity to "hedge"against the government.For those of you unfamiliar with the term "Hedge"it means to make an investment that protects you against a financial loss.Basically,we invest both in the stock market and in the alternative assets like Gold& Bitcoin.If the stock market does well & governments do their jobs well our wealth increases.If the government starts printing money like crazy then the price of bitcoin and gold goes up our wealth increases once again.In the long term,hedging your investments is a great way to secure &grow your wealth.The average return of gold in 2019 was 18%.In 2020the year to date returns of gold are close to 30%.Silver is also at 30%.If you timed your purchase with the March collapse as many investors did you would've seen even higher returns.As long as governments keep printing new money alternative assets will be an incredible investment.With 2021 around the corner we're more likely to see another round of financing trying to " revitalise" the economy allowing for even more opportunity for growth. 

3)Electric cars:- Electric cars have been the biggest biggest winner in the stock market .Despite the news,despite the industry pushing against it, despite the big oil money,people are betting long term on electric cars and the process results in incredible short term gains!Here are the numbers.TESLA'S year to date returns are 650%.If at the beginning  of 2020 you invested $10,000 in Tesla stock,now you would have over$65,000.NIO is basically China's version of TESLA.They're the biggest electric car manufacturer in China and the one most likely  to win the EV market there.NIO'S year  to date returns are 1250%.If at the beginning of 2020 you invested $10,000 in NIO stock,now you would have over $125,000.If one was paying attention to what is happening in the electric vehicle space you could've become millionaire in 2020 with 70to $80,000 investment and the year isn't even over yet. 

4) E-commerce and Consumer Staples:-When the pandemic hit,every small business worried about survival.But what did the consumer do?They stocked up on everything they could get their hands on.Anyone remember the 2020 toilet paper wars?Pepperidge Farm Remembers.Remember when the government gave everyone free money where did the money go? People spent it at Amazon and their large grocery stores.Amazon's year to date returns are 72%.Target is at 40%,Walmart around 30% and this has been the case everywhere around the world.

5)"Bitcoin&crypto:- When the pandemic hit and the government started printing money like crazy our focus turned to crypto.We were not the only ones to understand what is happening and more and more of our connections started reaching out because they needed help with getting started.Even unsophisticated investors wanted to get in on this.We've had our eye on the crypto space since 2015 and have been active investors since 2017.We've used our experience to teach our inner circle what block chain is,how Bitcoin works,where and how to purchase your crypto and more importantly to store it safely as a long-term investment.

6)Renewable Energy:- If the electric car is any indication to where money is going,the renewable energy space as a whole will be one of your safest bets.Go Green Etfs have a year to date return close to 100% basically doubling your money.Everything that has to do with solar and wind is booming.You've probably seen campaigns even in your country where your main energy providers are boasting about how much money they're investing in renewables.This is where the puck is going and as the technology gets better and better the higher the scalable adoption will be.

7)IT & Big Tech:- This has been the biggest year in tech.The entire world ran a massive experiment in their ability to work from home.In just a few months,this new company called ZOOM crushed Skype,a company that has been the main video conferencing software since we can remember.People purchased products online.Food delivery became the main revenue source for restaurants and we all consumed more content than ever before.If you turned it right,you could've literally purchased.Any  big Tech company stock and  you should've  seen 30 to 50% returns.Netflix is at 50%,Apple is at ko 60%, Google, Facebook, Microsoft-all around 30 to 40%.The biggest once to come out of the gate was nVidia.They are the biggest card manufactured and their year to date  return is at 125%.

8) Pharma and health care - During a medical pandemic,as you would expect Pharma and everything connected to the field blossomed.Every big company started competing in a race to get first to a vaccine and we already have 3 big winners.Pfizer, Moderna& AstraZeneca are already on the cusp of mass production with their own version.The biggest winner out of the 3 is Moderna with a year date return of :-450%.Although this is an extraordinary results, there's no way you would've been able to tell that Moderna will be the one to crack it unless you had a magic crystal ball.

9) Travel & Hotel stocks:- Hilton, Hilton Grand Vacations,Marriot &MGM provided us with over100% return EACH since we purchased.We were also betting long term on airlines but the growth hasn't been that impressive.Right now, we're waiting for the Airbnb IPO & well probably get some of that as well,since some of our properties are monetized through them as short term rentals.We are confident that 6 to 12 months from now everything travel related will see a jump as travel picks up as our bet is that once the vaccine becomes largely available we will see a steady increase in tourism as more and more people look forward to a new holiday after all this quarantine.

10)Index Funds:-Index funds have been our go to recommendation for what we call lazy investors.Do you want your money to grow consistently without touching it?Go with Index Funds.S&P500 is an index bringing together the top 500 companies in the US.Basically you invest in all of them at once.It's a great reflection of the US economy as a whole.Here's the thing ,for the past 30 years the S&P has consistently delivered over 10% yearly returns and this year is no different.The markets crashed in March earlier this year, with the S&P dropping almost 30%.At that point everyone who was smart started buying.By the end of August, all the loss had been recovered & it's going back up.Even of you took the hit and invested in the S&P500 before covid.

11) Energy and Petrol:-Energy and Petrol we talked earlier about where the puck is going with the renewables but this has been an incredible year for " where the puck is".Once petrol tanked,we were ready to buy and it proved to be a great choice.Marathon-60%,Laredo-80%, Murphy-100%, Matador-270%returns.Truth be told we wish we would've bought more.End of July we picked up General Electric and 4 months later were up by over 50%.Everything fuel-wise we see as a strong medium term investment.We're being strategic and regularly selling a percentage of our high return stocks and shifting that excess capital to index funds for safe keeping.

12) Luxury and Fashion:-Based on the profile of our business,you wouldn't expect us to ignore the luxury industry would you?Rest assured we didn't! What we love about  the Luxury markets is that they're not as affected as everyone else .Sure there was the drop in March and April,and sure we loaded up on everything we wanted and there we waited.As we expected the markets bounced back.While the likes of COTY and Ralph Lauren provided steady 30%+ returns,Levi's 60%,Tapestry, the former company known as Coach.You know their products has been a real winner with over 110% returns.Although historically we've seen bigger returns in the tech space,we always  recommend diversifying your portfolio into industries that you have an interest in,that way you know about the companies that are struggling and those that are coming up.

13)Banks:-We dislike banks as much as everyone else-one of the main reasons,why we invest in crypto,but in times of pandemics, banks are usually the first ones saved by the government,so if there's an opportunity to park some cash for short to medium term we will take it.We like banks because they also pay dividends regularly so it's a form of passive income in addition to the growth of the stock price.For example:-The biggest investment in our banking share is held by Citigroup.The return on our stock investment has been around 40% but what might be interesting for you to know is that they also pay dividends 4 times a year and the rate is 0.51 per share owned,where the share price is around $60.You buy a couple of hundred shares to hold and the dividends pay for your new iPhone.

14)The companies that make the products you use and love:-You are here because you're looking for advice on where to invest your money.Our best take on this:-Look around you! What are you buying and what products do you love?Then buy stocks in these companies we get our coffee from Starbucks,so we purchased some stock.We wear Nike,Adidas and Under Armour,so we bought them.We love Tesla,so we put some money with Elon .All the TV's in our rental apartments are LG's, so we purchased LG stock as well.Love your Playstation 5? Buy se Sony stock! Everytime we spend our own money as a product and we end up loving it, we make sense sure to invest in that company as well.Investing in your favourite companies has become incredibly easy.We are not paid by any of these companies,but you should check out Robinhood,Revolut , e Toro, Vanguard, Fidelity,E-Trade and so on.You can google and pick any of them and they'll get the job done.Just never go full Wall street Bets with your finances and you should do alright.

15)OUR MOST RECENT INVESTMENT:-PALANTIR:-We get this kind of question all the time:- "Hey....What did you guys buy recently?! What's the inside scoop? the truth is, there isn't an " inside scoop".We're just paying close attention to the market and taking decisive actions when we believe something feels right based on all the experience we've learner in the past 15 years.Many of you probably have no idea what Palantir even is...But more than 2 years ago we made a video about Peter Theil ,which is barely got 30,000 views.Peter Theil co- founded PayPal with Elon Musk & is one of the smartest & diligent businessmen we know He's one of our personal hereos.After the successful sale of Pay Pal,Elon Musk started Tesla and SpaceX & Peter went to invest in this new company called Facebook and in the side build Palantir which was operated privately until this year.They went for an IPO this September & we were excited to be a part of the action.The open price was $9.50 per share and as of today it's trading North of $30 per share, giving us a 3X return in 1 month & depending on how things go,we could easily see the price close to$100 per share in the 12 months with Peter Theil at the helm we can't wait to see what happens.This is what they mean when they say"Knowledge & Timing are more valuable than money".


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