Three mantras of today's life

3 Mantras of today's life


In this today's scenario there are many lessons and ways from which we can bring happiness and live life to the fullest like a successful person live.There are three mantras of life which we must follow in this today's scenario which are as follows:-                                                                                               1)Never makes a promise when you are happy:-Happiness is the prior gift of nature but time and nature means constantly changing which is the quality of both.Thus never gives a promise or oath to a person when you are happy as the time change and if you are unable to obey the promise you become a foe for that individual in his/her point of view.                                                                                                                                             2)Never makes a decision when you are sad:-Decisions makes a life better or ruin it as decisions decide our future,thus never takes a decision in dilemma or in the condition of sadness or frustration as this may definitely ruins your life.                                                                                                               3)When you are angry never argue:-Anger, frustration are the forces which are not in our control as it comes from mind  and a natural phenomenon under psychology.Anger becomes a threat when you argue with someone if the force of anger is in its full- fledged form, thus never argue to anyone or answer them when you are angry as you have to pay for that in future.

Note:- The second video is meaningless and by mistake uploaded.


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