Rare and common facts
Rare and Common Facts Introduction As I earlier mentioned that everything happened in life is beneficiary,it depends upon us that how we overlook it,as since 2013,I lived a life of quarantine which allows me a best time to make books friends of mine,at that time I came across a book named" 1,411 Facts(To know your sideways)"amazed me with some common facts which I today discuss in my blog.Lets start the journey:- 1)Letter "Q"was illegal:- The letter "Q" was illegal in Turkey for 85 years because the mayor states that these letters are not used in traditional Turkish language,they are common words from English and other languages. 2) Plastic flamingos are more than real flamingos:- Ornithologists estimate that there are only 950,000 flamingos in existence today,and the plastic lawn ornaments have been produced well into the millions,as they are very rare species and the plastic flamingos are cheaper to design for a park or lawn they are made in billions...