
Rare and common facts

  Rare and Common Facts  Introduction As I earlier mentioned that everything happened in life is beneficiary,it depends upon us that how we overlook it,as since 2013,I lived a life of quarantine which allows me a best time to make books friends of mine,at that time I came across a book named" 1,411 Facts(To know your sideways)"amazed  me with some common facts which I today discuss in my blog.Lets start the journey:- 1)Letter "Q"was illegal:- The letter "Q" was illegal in Turkey for 85 years because the mayor states that these letters are not used in traditional Turkish language,they are common words from English and other languages. 2) Plastic flamingos are more than real flamingos:- Ornithologists estimate that there are only 950,000 flamingos in existence today,and the plastic lawn ornaments have been produced well into the millions,as they are very rare species and the plastic flamingos are cheaper to design for a park or lawn they are made in billions...

"Feeling Good"-A Medicine of Depression

"Feeling Good"-A Medicine of Depression  Introduction Some book titles reveals the matter of the book itself.As same here "Feeling Good" title of the book written by David D. Burns who is specialized psychologist or doctorate in the study of human behaviour and psychology tells a brief enclyopedia of mental illness called DEPRESSION with the methods to cope up with without any recommendations of any  psychologist.            Let's take a summarised journey of DEPRESSION and the methods of its rectification.                                                          In the process of coping out with the individuals  from their mental-illness we have to follow these  principles which are as follows:- 1) Cognitive Therapy:- We all know that to rectify a problem,the first step is to identify that par...

Theories that proves Time Travel exists

Theories that Proves Time Travel Introduction  Time Travel has been one subject that has interested people throughout time.Some may want to travel in the future.While some may want to go back to change things All in all,time travel is a mystery that remains unsolved and its popularity shows by various writers and producers as by J.K.Rowling in his "Harry Potter book series" and the famous series streaming on Netflix is "Dark" which is fully based on it.              Here are some incidents which proves the existence of Time Travel which are as follows:- 1)19th Century CD:-  Is it possible that the Mormon Church started because of the time travel? There's a theory that Joseph Smith may have obtained a compact disk back in the 1800s.The story of an angel guided Smith to find gold plates which were CDs .In the painting Smith shown showing plates to 8 people .The Box in the painting which is in Smith's hand is a lot like a CD case which we can se...

The Vedic Geometry

The Vedic Geometry Introduction India is a country which is famous for its diversity in religion & caste and the propaganda the India tagged in the world map as The petition of peace.In geniune abbreviation India stands for "Independent Nation Declared in August". In accordance in my terms India stands for "Integrated Nation With Divine Intelligence and Authenticity".                                                          The best authencity describes by the sculptures& written ancient journals if various religions.In ancient era there is no Hinduism it is Santan Dharam.A Dharma which was scientifically proven and universal, means applied to all human beings and creatures.Britshers during their ruling era named a section of people as Hindus which might some of the people knows about it.              ...

Types of ATM in India

Types of ATMs  Introduction Banks are the soul part of our life today like technology,mobiles, internet and no one can deny from it.Moreover,ATMs are the common product service which every individual used once a time as it works like a friend who lends us money in need.                                                          Today we get some quick knowledge upon what is Atm and what are the types of ATMs installs in our surroundings that we see but unfamiliar about it.Lets check out:- Q.1)What is ATM?   Ans:- ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine. It is just like a online sevice box which is connected with your bank account from where you can withdraw money in need.                            The first ATM installed by Hongkong&Shanghai Banking Corporation(H...