Rare and common facts

 Rare and Common Facts 


As I earlier mentioned that everything happened in life is beneficiary,it depends upon us that how we overlook it,as since 2013,I lived a life of quarantine which allows me a best time to make books friends of mine,at that time I came across a book named"1,411 Facts(To know your sideways)"amazed me with some common facts which I today discuss in my blog.Lets start the journey:-

1)Letter "Q"was illegal:-The letter "Q" was illegal in Turkey for 85 years because the mayor states that these letters are not used in traditional Turkish language,they are common words from English and other languages.

2) Plastic flamingos are more than real flamingos:-Ornithologists estimate that there are only 950,000 flamingos in existence today,and the plastic lawn ornaments have been produced well into the millions,as they are very rare species and the plastic flamingos are cheaper to design for a park or lawn they are made in billions and it makes a lawn or park beautiful with its existence. 

3)First Motor Insurance Policy of London:-The first motor insurance policy issued by Lloyd's of London described the car as a "ship navigating on Land".When Llyod's was first asked to insure a motor car, no guidelines existed,our underwriters were the first to offer car insurance & were more used to dealing with ships.This may be why the insurance documents produced by marine underwriters described the car as a"ship navigating on Land." 
First motor insurance policy here in London 

4)There is only one stop sign in the whole of Paris:-Paris hasn't always been a stop-sign free metropolis,though . According to a Paris police report,the city did have one-stop sign at one point.Yes,just one- a single red octagon reading "STOP" stood at the exit of construction facility. 
5) Napoleon, Mussolini & Hitler were all scared of cats:-Great rulers like Alexander the great, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler all suffered from ailurophobia- The fear of cats.This shows everyone has its weaknesses no matter whether he was strong as emperor. 
6)Cats have more data storage capacity than an i-Pad:-A cat's brain can store 1,000 times more data than an iPad.Cats are incredibly independent animals as they v
can understand numerous things(even though they the classification mode to choosing things)& includes both short & long-term memories storage capacity.Cats have 300 million neurons compared to dogs with160 million neurons.This high-octane brain power fuels feline Intelligence.The cerebral cortex not only governs higher functions of rational thought,but also problem solving.It's also the storage for short& long-term memory.

7) Toothpaste is addictive for bears but toxic to dogs:-Mint flavouring in toothpaste can actually attract bears and other critters like raccoon.On the other hand many human toothpaste contain Xylitol,an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs.Xylitol can cause blood sugar drops in dogs as well as potential liver damage.

8)The human nose can recognise over 1,000,000,000,000 different smells:-New research reveals that the human sense of smell is much powerful than scientists thought.The human nose can distinguish at least 1,000,000,000,000(1trillon) different odours,a resolution orders of magnitude beyond the previous estimate of just 10,000 scents in the recent research.
9) Between 1908&1965, Winston Churchill drank 42,000 bottles of champagne:-Winston Churchill,the prime minister of Queen Elizabeth empire was one of the biggest champagne drinkers on record.Between 1908&1965 he drank an estimated 42,000 bottles.Pol Roger even made him a special one pint bottle that was served to him everyday at precisely 11am.
10) Oxford University was over 300 years old when the Aztec Empire was founded:-Teaching at Oxford existed in some form as early as 1096,but it is unclear when this university came into being.Oxford University is 200 years old than the Aztecs ,300 years older than Machu Picchu,and 150 years older than the Easter Island heads.The fact says that Oxford University was founded in the early 12th century,and the Mexicans founded Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire in 14th century. 
11)Charles Drawin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day:-Abraham Lincoln and Charles Drawin have both historical similarities as firstly they born on the same day(ie Feb 12,1809) and both lost their mothers.Moreover,despite their differences in upbringing both men saw themselves as autodidact. 

12)An acersecomic is a person who has never had a haircut:-It is the definition of the word "Acersecomic" . Under Etymology-From the Latin acersecomes, meaning "long haired youth" based on the Greek word for hair,Kome,and Keirein with the prefix a- which translates to"not to cut short". 
13)Wealthy Ancient Egyptians slept with neck supports than pillows to preserve their hairstyles:-Headrests were used by ancient Egyptians to support a person's neck while sleeping.While the flat base board& curved top are consistent features,the form of the middle section varied.This type with 6 slender rods supporting the curved top is fairly rare.

14)Two-Thirds of parents who sing their children to sleep prefer pop music to lullabies:-A new study has looked in lullabies to see what they have in common & found contemporary songs that matched the same criteria& the results are surprising.
15)Humans speak more languages than there are species of mammal:-In accordance with scientists and religious beliefs humans have the power to exchange signals from brain to another human through voice modulation or written ability of some words& sentences which is called Language.Recently researchers found that human can speak more languages than there are species of mammal and India is the best example of it where different people from various states have their own language.

16)The more rivers an area has,the more languages will evolve there:-Languages evolution is the gradual change in human language overtime.It is due to biological evolution which includes natural factors like environment (land and water)which also gives a myth that more  rivers of an area has more languages of that area but how much truth is there in the fact is still a matter of research.
17)Every Christmas Day,400,000 Britons go out to a shop to buy batteries:-It is true that about 400,000 Britons go out to a shop to buy batteries as to celebrate a green Christmas and to dispose of all their batteries in a sustainable way and to save environment on the eve of Christmas.
18)Nigeria is the world's third largest movie-producing country but has only 8 cinemas:-Nigeria cinema is often referred to informally as Nollywood consists of film produced in Nigeria (1960-2000) made many films which stands Nigeria at the standard of third largest movie-producing country despite of less cinemas.

19)90% of all jellyfish are smaller than a human thumbnail:-Of 2,500 or so jellyfish species,some 90% are smaller than a human thumbnail and rarely researched.The sole study of the the bloom dynamics of these species found a five fold increase in 20 years.

20)Rats get more depressed in summer than in winter:- A new study has found that rats get SAD too-but during the long sunny summer days instead& more willing to swim& explore the open end of elevated maze.It is due to darkness.

22)If you feed silkworm mulberry leaves leaves sprayed with pink fabric dye,they make pink silk:-Indian scientists dipped or sprayed mulberry leaves,the silkworm food of choice with azo dyes to see which ones when consumed, would transfer to the silk of the seven dyes they tested,three were incorporated into the catterpillar's silk& none seemed to affect the worm's growth & it is so because by default the worm's themselves take on some color before they weave their silk cocoons.

23)French toast is thousands of years older than France:-The earliest known reference to French toast is in the Apicius,a collection of Latin recipie dating to the 1st century CE,where it is described as simply aliter dulica("another sweet dish")and it is thousands of years older than France & dates back at least to Roman cooking,if not older.

24)In space you can cry but your tears won't fall,they just puddle up under your eye:-When you cry in space your tears won't fall but they stick as a liquid ball of water floating in space.It is due to zero gravity in space and liquid is weightless under zero gravity,so when astronauts want to shed tears,they have to suppress& hide their emotions.

24)Eels can live inside sharks' hearts:-In other words,eels didn't need to be living in the sharks heart(that would be obligate parasitism)rather than they took advantage of an opportunity to get a meal.They had some evidence that the shark was probably resting on the bottom which may have made it easier for the eels to find. 

25)Bananas are considered unlucky on fishing boats:-The Banana superstition dates all the way back to the 1700s,when many lost or ill-fated ships were noted to have been carrying bananas to their destination.It is perhaps because of this occurrence that bananas became as omens of danger& misfortune for ships.

26)New Zealand has an offical National Wizard:-Ian Bracken bury Channell was born on 4th December 1932, London (England) with the nationality as British New Zealand who passed his education from Framingham College Bromley Grammar School for Boys & he was the official government appointed Wizard of New Zealand who gets paid $10,000 a year to be a City's offical Wizard.

27) A musophobist is a person who distrusts poetry:-It is a term used for those individuals who dislikes poetry or saw that a part of illusion in life.
28)Polo mints release light when you snap them:-Polo Mints possess a quality called "triboluminescence" which .eans they will light up when snapped in half.True.Find a very dark place & snap or crush a Polo mint& it will release a tiny flash of light.

29)Mice can't see red light:-Mice are dichromats that only posses short-& medium wavelength-sensitive cones.They don't see red light ,they only see blue& green light,similar to a person with red-green color blindness.These findings may help explain the evolution of color vision& color blindness.

30) Traffic Lights were introduced 18 years before the car was invented:-The first traffic lights weren't actually used for automobiles.Before cars were even on the road,people needed  a way to control traffic congestion.The first gas-lit traffic light was installed outside the House of Parliament in London, England on December 10,1868.

31) Lizards can't breathe & walk at the same time:-For a lizard 🦎, running & breathing require  the same muscles.To run,a lizard has to contract it's chest muscles one after the other to help it scamper forward.And to breathe,it has to contract those same muscles in different ways.And it can't do both at once.Most lizards are so intelligent that they inflate their lungs with the same muscles they use to walk,so they can't run& breathe effectively at the same time.

32)Lobsters listen with their legs:-Lobsters can be left " handed",right- handed or ambidextrous,& have several receptors on their claws& their legs,which they use to locate & recognize any food that is around them.

33) Hummingbirds lay eggs the size of the peas:-Most often,mother hummingbirds lay 2 eggs,but not together.The eggs are normally laid on different days.The eggs are about the size of a small  jellybean or pea.Mother hummingbirds incubate their eggs anywhere from 11 up to 18 days before the eggs hatch.
34)The Milky Way gives birth to a new star every 50 days:-The team confirmed that aluminium-26 is found primarily in star forming regions throughout the galaxy,about once every 50 years a massive star will go supernova  in our galaxy& each year our galaxy creates on average about seven new stars.The Milky way galaxy has now converted about 90% of its initial gas content into stars.

35)'Cheesy' originally meant ' excellent':-

Cheesy in common relates to the taste of cheese,but under deep meaning in dictionary,cheesy means excellent.For example:-Thomas Kinkade's paintings are cheesy because they are " chocolate Box art"- sentimental attempts to evoke feelings but formulaic,without substance.

36)According to his wife Mary,Abraham  Lincoln's hobby was cats:-Abraham Lincoln,our 16th President,loved cats&could play with them for hours.When asked if her husband had a hobby.Mary Todd Lincoln replied "cats".President Lincoln visited General Grant at City Point,Virginia March of 1865.

37)Black Holes are Not Black:-Black Holes are not black according to "Theory of Relativity",as light moves faster than matter&energy& the fabric of space moves slower than the speed of light.Inside the horizon of the black hole there is a gravitational red shift,which the light emitted from them going visible to infrared to microwave to radio frequencies.On the other hand,at outside the horizon,the fabric of space itself is according at different rates depending on your distance from the central singularity.
Black holes are not black.
38)The  technical name for an ice-cream headache is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia:A bolt of intense pain in the temples,forehead or behind the eyes or nose.Brain freeze,otherwise known as ice cream headache is technically known as cold neuralgia or sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.
39)When Harvard University was founded,Galileo was still alive: Galileo born and died information are as follows:
Born:Galileo Di Vincenzo Bonaiule de Galilee born on 15th Feburary 1564 Pisa Duchy of Florence.
Died on 8th January 1642(aged 77)Arcetri Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
   Harvard University was founded on 8th September 1636,Cambridge,Massachussetts , United States.
   This information proves that Galileo was still.alive when Harvard University was founded.

40)Sheep can see behind themselves without moving their heads:Sheep have large rectangular pupils which provide them with a peripheral and a panoramic vision ranging approximately 270°.This allows them to even see behind themselves without turning their heads.While the structure of their eyes is similar to humans,their vision span is about 100° more as compared to human beings.


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