Sleep Disorders

Research Paper on Sleep Disorders

Referred by: Mr. R.P. Pushkar 

(Coordinator under ASPESUS&Therapist.

Presented by: Mr. Vinay Gupta

(First Level passed Acutherapist&Practitioner)

Q.1)What is Sleep?

Definition  of Sleep

Ans.In simple language,sleep is to  be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed,not active body&mind is asleep or unconscious.

MEDICAL LANGUAGE: Sleep is a complex biological process that helps you process new information,stay healthy&feel restarted.

PSYCHOLOGY LANGUAGE: A circadian state characterized by partial or total suspension of consciousness,voluntary muscle inhibition,and relative insensitivity to stimulation.

 Accordance to Mr DEEP TRIVEDI sleep,hunger,joy etc are all the natural&automatic phenomenon done by almighty.

Q.2)What is Good Sleep?

Ans.A proper sleep at proper timings is called good sleep.It also includes a balanced diet&proper daily routine.A normal sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes.Ideally,you need 4 to 6 cycles of sleep every 24 hours to feel fresh&rested.

Q.3)What is the sleep Cycle in accordance to Ayurveda?

Ans.According to the Ayurvedic bio-clock among the regulated 24 hours,8 hours are allotted for rest.Hence for the healthy adult person 8 hours sleep is sufficient but on the basis of practical experiences we found that by different age groups,,the period of sleep time varies.It has been classified in the following table:

_________________________________________________________________________   AGE GROUP                                                                           SLEEPING HOURS

1-5 years                                                                                     12 hours- 16 hours

6-15 years                                                                                   9-11  hours

16-30 years                                                                                  8-9   hours

31-50 years                                                                                      7   hours

51-70 years             6 hours        



    For every age group the persons should take sleep according to the above table,any disturbance in this table period of sleep creates *excess sleep or *less sleep which leads to mental disorders.

Natural sleep follows the Ayurvedic clock, which focuses on the right time to sleep, the duration of sleep, and the ideal time to wake up.

In Ayurveda, a day is divided into 6 zones of 4 hours, each dominated by a single dosha:

TimeDominant dosha
6 a.m. to 10 a.m.kapha
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.pitta
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.vata
6 p.m. to 10 p.m.kapha
10 p.m. to 2 a.m.pitta

Q,4)  When we should goes to sleep in accordance to Ayurveda?

Ans. In accordance to Ayurveda Biological clock 8 night is the time of Kapha Kapha and this kapha produces feeling more sleepy than normal during the day.Hence the time of 8 p.m. onwards indicates that we should take rest after the whole days work.

   According to Ayurveda, sleep and other bodily functions are determined by the three constitutional types, or doshas. The three doshas are:

  • vata (wind)
  • pitta (fire)
  • kapha (water and earth).

Sleep is dominated by kapha, which creates the heavy feeling of tiredness.

Charaka Samhita, the ancient Sanskrit text on Ayurveda, mentions six types of sleep. According to the text, sleep may be due to:

  • natural sleep without external imbalances
  • depression
  • increased kapha caused by eating an excess of foods like chocolate, cheese, or fried food
  • exhaustion of mind and body caused by excessive physical work
  • chronic disease
  • imbalance or injury in the body

Q.5)What do you mean by Sleep Disorders?

Definition  of Sleep Disorders 

Ans.Sleep disorders are conditions that result in changes in the way that you sleep.A sleep disorder can affect your overall health,safety&quality of life.These disorders can affect your ability to drive safely&increase your risk of other health problems.

Q.6)What are the types of sleep disorders?

Ans.There are common sleep disorders include insomnia,restlessness legs syndrome,narcolepsy and sleep apnea that can affect our life which includes safety,relationships,school&work performance thinking,mental health,weight and the development of diabetes and heart disease.

Q.7)What is insomnia and it causes?

Definition of Insomnia 

Ans.Insomnia:Less sleep than normal sleep daily or most often is called as Insomnia in general.This disorder include the individual to sleep hardly and cause the habit to wake up early which affects our energy,performance,mood&quality of life&not taking care of proper sleep for any reason turns the early stage of insomnia into chronic insomnia with the flow of lifestyle&time.Common causes of insomnia includes:

Causes of Insomnia 



Thinking too much about future in work,school,health,finances&family makes your mind active even during sleep&gradually makes your sleep less,other factors of unexpected death or illness of loved ones gives shock in mind which converts your sleep as insomnia.

2.Travel/work schedule:

Work&Travel interrupts sleep

Our self integrated organ clock or biological clock tells us when to sleep&wake up timings which helps in the maintenance of our body temperature and metabolism.Any disturbance in sleep hours due to travel at abroad or within the country makes your sleep less habitual individual or makes you workaholic.

3.Poor Sleep Habits:
Poor Sleep Habits

Poor sleep habits includes irregular bedtime schedule,naps,stimulating activities before bed,an uncomfortable sleep environment,makes your bed a "little official area",eating&watching television or playing video games,using smartphones at late night hours creates a less sleep disorder.


The habit of eating too much is called as overeating.This habit increases the pitta dosha and creates severe gastric disorders and increase in bad cholesterol which leads to angina pain or chest pain at the first alarming disorder then changes into pain in heart,anxiety due to improper digestion of food and back flow of  hydrochrolic acid in the body which is called as acidity in general terms.

5.Caffeine,nicotine&Alcohol:Modern lifestyle with the motto of status people diverted towards drinks in excess which includes tea,cola&other caffeinated drinks.Intake of this drinks at afternoon and evening causes the individual to remain active even at rest hours and teenagers who also goes towards alcohol and smoking increases nicotine in body which leads to breathing problems&restlessness.

Q.7)What are the preventive measures to save from Insomania?

Ans.Good sleep habits can help prevent insomnia and promote sound sleep:

  • Keep your bedtime and wake time consistent from day to day, including weekends.
  • Stay active — regular activity helps promote a good night's sleep.
  • Check your medications to see if they may contribute to insomnia.
  • Avoid or limit naps.
  • Avoid or limit caffeine and alcohol, and don't use nicotine.
  • Avoid large meals and beverages before bedtime.
  • Make your bedroom comfortable for sleep and only use it for sex or sleep.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime ritual, such as taking a warm bath, reading or listening to soft music.
Q.8)What are the treatment protocols in Acupressure for insomnia?

Ans.In Chinese acupressure Insomnia can be treated in the following :
H 7, P 6, K 3, Liv 2, GV 20 ↑ (All tone) as sleep is less.

In accordance to Ayurveda Insomnia is divided into sleep hours intervals:

A) One hour less than normal: GB jt Meridian   1↑ 2↓

B)Two hours less than normal: GB jt Meridian  4↑ 3 ↓


C) Three hours less than normal
GB jt meridian 5 ↑ 6 ↓

D)If Insomnia & Depression both:

GB jt meridian 7 ↓ 8 ↑

Latest  Research by ASPESUS  itself take the  following protocols with the situations  of Sleep Disorders:

A. Ayurvedic Acupressure T\reatment for Sleep Disorders:

1. Those people whose sleep is not completed well due to excess thinking when treated with these points get instant relief:

LMM- 7 ↓ 8 ↑ OR apply pink color on both sides.

2.Those people who have less sleep with depression treated with the following points:

Finger number- 3,7,8- 8th VM - 7 ↓ 8 ↑ or pink color

B.Treatment by Chinese Acupressure:

1.Those teenagers who sleep late at night and wake up late treated by the following:
Diagnosis:Heart Blood Deficiency

P 6, H 7, CV 4 , 14, 15 , UB 17 ,20 ↑ (both sides)

2.Those people who wake up many times at night and wake up early in the morning the following points used in protocol:
Diagnosis:Kidney yin deficiency

K 3,6,9,10 ,Sp 6, CV 6 ↑
K2, H 5 LU 7, 10 ↓

3. Those people who gets sleepy after eating then stimulate these points:
Diagnosis: Spleen Deficiency

Sp 3,6, CV 12, St 36, UB 20, 21 ↑ (both sides)

4.Those people who do not get sleep well till 3 a.m. morning and then afterwards get sleepy:
Diagnosis: Liver Blood Deficiency

P 6, Sp 6, UB 17,18,20,23,St 36, CV 4,  Liv 8 ↑(both sides)

5. Those people whose sleep is distracted with dreams, gets headache and felt angry:
Diagnosis: Liver Heat

Liv 2,3, GB 13, 20 ↓
LU 5, UB 18,19↑

Simple Ayurvedic Acupressure Treatment  For Insomnia:

 Apply a meethi strip on the left middle finger (Disha element) at Upper joint treats insomania 


Apply Black color on the back head region of the thumb.Also the point of GB is to be treated  with both black color  and the  five star magnets.

Insomnia points described  in Conference  paper of 2016.

1.Restless sleep with unpleasant  dreams or dreams of fire.

Liv 2,3,GB 12,13,15,20,44,Sp 6,UB 18,42,62, GV 24 ↓, K 6 ↑ , UB 1(APPLY METHI SEED).

2.Nightmares, dreams of flying, waking up during the night.

H 7,8, Sp 6, Li 11, CV 15, GV 19, UB 15, 39 ↓

3.Restless sleep,waking up during the night& can not lie or sit.

H 8, Lu 10, Sp 6, Li 11, CV 15, St 40, UB 17↓

4.Difficulty in falling sleep&palpitation. 

St 36, Sp 6, UB 20, H 7, CV 14, 15, Extra point no.1(Yin Tang)↑

5.Waking up frequently at night,dry throat&palpitation. 

H 7, IB 15, CV 4, 14, Sp 6, St 36 ↑

6.Waking up early in the morning,unable to fall asleep again.

H 7, GB 40 ↑

7.Sleep walking,Sleep Talking, dreaming  a lot, waking up during the night. 

Liv 8, CV 4, Sp 6, P 7, GV 24, UB 15, UB 42 ↑

Other Points For Insomnia 

Excèss Vata creates Insomania points are:

Lu 7(To Reduce Vata)

Li 4,UB 12,Li 20(To Expel Vata)

Li 11 (To Balance Vata)


H 9, H 8, P 9, P 8, Li 19, St 3, to Li 20, GV 23.(All sedate)


1.Maharishi Bhardwaj (AA  SEM 1).

2.Conference paper 2016&2021 


4.Treatise 1 of Chinese Acupressure.  


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