Research Paper on HOW TO MAKE A PROTOCOL

                                                    RESEARCH PAPER ON HOW TO MAKE A PROTOCOL     

                                                                      HEALING TOUCH ACUPRESSURE

                                              TOPIC:HOW TO MAKE A PROTOCOL

Referred by; Mr.S.C Sharma 

Presented by: Mr Vinay Gupta

                                          Protocol means the "Diagnosis  of disorder under scientific and with emotional support with the patient or person who gets surrounded by negative thoughts and aura due to disorder.This is the real definition of Diagnosis and nor just to treat the patient just seeing or hearing its first wording of patient.

     For instance,in urine if a patient felt blood in urine,then do not believe blindly as your main motto is to cure with full satisfaction for this you  have to ask the patient how he/she feels like it may due to eating a fruit like dragon fruit or watermelon this is the real experience of ASPESUS therapist Mrs.Chanchal Aggarwal.                                                                                                                                      In Acupressure treatment is not the real motto,the real motto is to give the patient the mental and physical relief  in addition with its root cause where energy movement,behaviour and its action matter with its psychology and way of thinking.This healing is done with the consent of universe as universe helps the therapist to identify the disorder and gives sense of understanding the final treatment.

                                     STEPS OF BEFORE  MAKING A PROTOCOL IN ACUPRESSURE.

1.WHEN,HOW&WHAT:When,How and What is the first step before a protocol.For example a patient comes to you,as a therapist we do the following things:

1.NAME OF THE PATIENT:___________________________________

2.AGE:______________________________________________________                                               (Note:Before write age you start to guess the age in mind as to improve the power of subconscious mind.For example you guess a age 35 years but its real age is 25 yrs but he/she spoils its age.)

3.CONTACT DETAILS:___________________________________

2.WHEN TO SPEAK:Speak to someone is an art especially as a therapist,if a patient comes from outside ask the patient to sit down as to normalize its blood pressure&pulse and to balance its anxious.Thus,talk to patient when it is calm and less anxious and not talk to patient immediately its visit.You must give a 5-10 minutes break before talk.

3.HOW TO SPEAK: Always speaks with the patient like a mother with parenting skill with the motto to felt the patient as your friend and well wisher and not pretend as a fake talker as a practitioner in a therapy you must have a feeling of compassion and selfless service not with the motto of earning name and fame.Listen to the patient problem calmly and with patience is more important before giving any protocol and no interruption must be there when patient tells about itself to you.                                                 A patient of Mrs Chanchal Aggarwal visits to her with online consultancy the patient talks about 40-50 minutes she hears like a mother with non-interruption this behave makes patient friendly to her an she loves to talk with her.                                                                                                                         

4.WHAT TO ASK:As a beginner we do not know how to start conversation with a patient and during conversation our first query what is its basic problem and delete irrevelant questions in the context point of view and let the patient with a flow whether your time consumed by the patient.

5.NOTE VITAL POINTS: Note the vital essence of conversation like date of starting disorder,duration of disorder like the patient suffers from diabetes with how many days,months or years.In acupressure this decides the mood of disease whether it is chronic or acute and gives an idea to you to how handle yourself and patient itself.

               For example a patient tells you 100 disorders but he/she also tells that it feels laziness whole day then you know its heamoglobin is less but never tells or write in front of him and also asks the major problem which makes the patient restlessness.




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