Ans.Cervical word comes from the Latin root word "cervix"which means "neck",i.e why the word cervical pertains to many areas where tissues narrow to a neck-like-passage,and not only in your neck.
A image showing cervical
Q.2)What is Cervical Pain?
Ans.It is the pain caused due to cervical spondylolysis or osteoarthritis.This condition involves changes in the bones,disc or joints that are connected to the neck.
Q.3)What are the causes of Cervical Pain?
Ans.The top causes of Cervical Pain are:
Wear&tear of Cartilages and bones.
Overuse of the neck.
Herniated discs(spinal discs develop cracks).
Dehydrated spinal discs.
Bone Spurs(overgrowth of bone press against the other spinal nerves&cord.)
Q.4)What are the Symptoms of Cervical Pain?
Ans.Symptoms of Cervical Pain are:
Pain in&around the shoulder&neck region.
Numbness or weakness&tingling in the arms,hands,legs&feet as these parts are directly connected to the cervical nerves.
Difficulty in walking and other casual activities due to the lack of coordination.
Q.6)What is the Difference between Cervical Spondylitis&Cervical Spondylosis?
Ans.Difference between Cervical Spondylitis&Cervical Spondylosis:
1.It is autoimmune condition 1.It is an age related wear&tear of
affecting joints&surrounding tissues. the joints results in spondylosis.
2.It is also called as Spondyloarthritis. 2.It is called as age-related degenerative arthritis of the spine.
3.It develops early in life&start 3.Age of 60 symptoms in the ages of 20&30.
Image showing cervical spondylosis
Image showing Cervical Spondylitis
Q.7)What are the Treatments in Acupressure Associated with Cervical Spondylitis&Cervical Spondylosis?
Ans. Treatment of Cervical Spondylitis&Cervical Spondylosis are as follows:
Cervical Spondylitis is of two types:
In the first type of Cervical Spondylitis,pain will be around the urinary bladder meridian in the middle of the neck&it would be painful,while moving the neck up&down&movement is impaired.This is known as Pain in yes bone.It is also called as Tai Yang Type.
1.Medical(Tai Yang Type) (Si,UB Axis Type) Yes Bone Type
UB Channel Si Channel
UB 10,11 Local points
UB 60 Distal Point Si 3,6
Also add GV 20 Master of all Yang Meridian
GV 14 Local Point
Lu 7 Distal Point for Neck Region
Li 4 Analgesic Point
2.In the second type of cervical spondylitis, pain would be in the lateral side of the neck around gall bladder meridian&it would be painful while moving the neck left&right.This is known as pain in No Bone.It is also called Shao Yang Type.
2.Lateral(Shao Yang Type) (TW,GB Axis) No Bone Type
TW Channel Tw5
GB Channel GB 20,21 Local Points
GB 34,39 Distal Points
GV 20 Master of all yang meridians
GV 14 Local Point
Lu 7 Distal point for neck region
Li 4 Analgesic Point.
The treatment of cervical spondylitis Lf RF V jt 3,6 tone 1,4 sedate.
Cervical(Neck)Spondylosis- It is a problem that affects the joints&discs in your neck.It develops from wear&tear of the cartilage&bones found in your cervical spine.One common symptom is pain around the shoulder blade.The pain might increase when standing,sitting,sneezing,coughing or tilting your neck backward.Another common symptom is muscle weakness(wasting).Muscle weakness makes it hard to lift the arm or grasp objects firmly,tingling in arms etc.
i)Cervical spondylosis causes dizziness with stiff&painful neck
P6, CV12,17,St36,40(-)UB 23(+)
Add for shoulder&arm pain
GV 14, Li 10,11,15(-)
After relief,you have to apply these points for prevention
ii)Cervical spondylosis causes dizziness with stiffness&pain in back
Lu7, Li4,11,14,15,TW5,14,Si11,GV14
In acute case,sedate all these points.
In chronic case,tone all these points.
The treatment of cervical spondylosis is successfully carried out on the upper joint of left ring finger by pressing,twisting or applying methi strip.
Make a square methi strip with 1.5 inch doctor tape or paper tape on the back side of the thumb just below the nail denotes (C1to C7)
Correspondence treatment for cervical spondylitis&spondylosis
On the back side of the thumb just below the nail apply white color(COLOR OF BOTH YANG AND VISUDHA).
For spondylitis also apply red color on Cervical correspondence.
Chinese Color Therapy for Cervical Pain.
Q.8)What are the prevention measures for cervical spondylosis?
Follow your doctor's treatment plan and continue your home exercise plan (if you were in physical therapy).
Sit and stand properly.
Learn to lift correctly.
Exercise regularly. (Aerobic exercise is especially good.)
Attain and maintain a healthy body weight.
Eat healthy (a well-balanced, low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables).
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