Lao Tzu Sutras by Deep Trivedi

 Lao Tzu Sutras by Deep Trivedi 


Lao Tzu is a Chinese philosopher famous for his sutras related to humanity in all fields like mind,day to day life events like Mind Sutras,Human Sutras,Day to day life events Sutras, Religion Sutras,Truth Sutras and Intelligence Sutras in the collection of 250 sutras which is called Taoism(his life teachings).  

Tao Te Ching extract from Treatise  2 of Chinese Acupressure    

Eyes see but not visible,this is called invisible.

Ears listen  but not hear,this is called unheard.

Hands touch but untouched ,this is called  untouched.

Increasing does not brighten,decreasing  does not darken.

This is called bioenergy,know the path of energy.

Know that energy is a flow,its path is a river.

This path has acupoints,whole body is a bridge of rivers.

Which flows goes where,where flood,where drought.

Where is imbalance in five elements,increased  or decreased.

Eight meridians&eight cores,where increased,where  decreased. 

In born energy is what,how much obtained  in world.

See patients physique,acess its emotions thinking. 

Know the reasons  of disease,treat on yin-yang energy.      

If energy is imbalanced disease goes from root.

If imbalanced  energy remains,disease  is retained inside.                                                            In this blog we discuss all the Sutras with there sub division headings mentioned above which elevate your mind, knowledge and senses related to Tao."In accordance to  Chinese Acupressure  Tao is a natural  force that  creates all things"&the basic  principles  nature force is called as Tao.Let start this wonderful sutras:-

                              MIND SUTRAS:- 

SUTRA 1[MIND SUTRA]Free from all desires,you get all the secrets and if you clutches with desires,then you only get a illusion.

Meaning:-Human grief root cause is that we can't see the truth and unable to determine what we have to do & what we have not to do in our lives and desires are the basic root of it as desires attracts to those things which in future gives grief and stay away from the natural automation of time.It is because desires comes from our brain under calculations of future.On the other hand mind and nature are the best friends of each other.Thus to live a flow of happiness we let our mind and nature decides our future as we all the creation of Nature and nature knows well about ourselves.         Let's take two practical examples of it .If we do delievery of a unborn child before the maturity period of nine months so the baby is not normal and faces various problems after birth.On the other hand if a person dies before the maturity period of a insurance policy then the nominee gets amount only for the years the policy holder alive and do not gets Final Additional Bonus as the policy holder dies before the maturity period of the policy.         As same the nature have a maturity period of our life which is called automation and desires are pre- mature delivery under psychology which at last gives us grief.                                                        

SUTRA 2[MIND SUTRA]When people sees beauty in some things,then other things became ugly.

Meaning:- In this nature everything is equal and our mind and brain calculations work together but we can't see.For example:- If we see Taj Mahal and says that Taj Mahal is beautiful than we automatically says that all other monuments are ugly as compared to Taj Mahal and this comparison and distinctive thinking makes us unsuccessful under psychology.The basic roots of distinction is unsatissfaction and they are directly proportionate to each other.More unsatissfaction leads to more distinction and differences and it is the basic root of our unsuccessful.As successful people have Neutral Terminology .For example For Thomas Edision doing researchers in laboratory is duty and hardwork and duty comes together in his mind with no differences which makes him popular for the invention of bulb.Moreover Majnu who is famous for love with Laila is free from.differences of beauty as his love is neutral and free from differences which makes an inspiration for lovers even today in this era.

SUTRA 3[MIND SUTRA]Here,and be not born each other.Difficult and ease defines each other.Thickness and subtlety are based on each other.

Meaning:-In this sutra,Lao Tzu states that everything in reality are interlinked and interconnected with each other with no differences and also teaches us that we also see this world with equality and this is the quality of our mind and the differences made by us is only the calculations done by brain.For example in the case of mind emotions (Anger and coolness) are equal as anger happens when we are upset and coolness happens when we are tension free.Likewise a person is poor when he has no money and a person is rich when he has the money to spend.In short "Differences is the illusionary calculations done by brain " and which are worthless.

SUTRA 4[MIND SUTRA]First and last always following each other,and thus  mentor do work without any action and teaches by not saying anything.

Meaning:-Under psychology there is a truth that our mind following the first and last.For instance,A poor person thinks that wealth is happiness and run towards to earn money.On the other hand who has wealth thinks that there is no happiness in wealth.Moreover who takes renunciation thinks that wealth is happiness which proves that a person who catch the first part of anything goes to the last part of it and after achieve the last part its mind reverse goes to the first part and a person who knows this game of first and last part is called as MENTOR and do everything without doing nothing and teaches without uttering a word.Great people like writers,poets and Krishna consciousness is the best example under this context.

SUTRA 5[MIND SUTRA]You allure your brain, save from wandering,stuck and  stable it in the actual state of harmony.

Meaning:-In this sutra Lao Tzu asks a question from us that if we can allure our mind,brain and senses with the flow of fun or harmony or in simple terms if we can put our mind like the mind when we born then our life becomes a free will and free of tensions.Moreover a life comprises with 4 main components which are :Body,Brain,Mind and situation.If all these four components work together then we live life to the fullest.Let us take an example of infants whose body,mind ,brain and situation all together wants to play with a toy and the infant get all this these things in one click which makes him filled with happiness and harmony.That's why small babies are called as the manifestation of the almighty as they live with the spontaneous flow of body,mind,brain and situation which makes them selfless and pure.

SUTRA 6[MIND SUTRA]Are you clean your inner vision as much as you see only the light and nothing else.

Meaning:-In true sense the life that the universal essence and our mind automation is always beneficary for us but due to our pre occupied calculations by our brain outside keeps us in darkness.Thus it is important for us to broad our mind senses in such a way that our brain follow up the universal light messages with the flow of our mind which is the natural and neutral default software of nature.

SUTRA 7[MIND SUTRA]Are you can do love with others with no pressure of your wishes to others and guide them.

Meaning:-In this sutra Lao Tzu wants that everyone respects each other wishes and accepts each other with other point of view and this is called True love nor the way to pressure others with your own wishes to others as mind do not like pressure of others and move with free will.

SUTRA 8[MIND SUTRA]If we give more importance to great personalities then the community becomes double sided.If we give more importance to our estate then people started stealing.

Meaning:-The above condition isoi also true in today's scenario & this habit of giving more importance to tangible assets and to great personalities ruin the community without any calculations and people start coping others and leave the original value of themselves so the simple way to resolve that problem give importance to everything under limits.Moreover the habit of giving importance to others(money or a human entity) is because no one here express their mind thoughts to others.Thus be yourself and express your feelings like a free bird who fly in the air with no condition.

SUTRA 9[MIND SUTRA]Tao is like a well who never gets empty on expense.

Meaning:-In this sutra "Tao refers to Universal Automation",as we all experienced that if we distributed our wealth(tangible assets) than it gets reduced or at last gets empty,but knowledge (Inner Mind wealth) is a treasure which is increased when distributed as knowledge gets multiplied on distribution & gives everything with ease with no demand.

SUTRA 10[MIND SUTRA]You fill your bowl full as it will comes out,you scuffed your knife  daily and it becomes worthless.If you run for funds& safety then your mind will never light down& if you worry about others recognition then you became their prisoner.

Meaning:-This sutra is discussed here with four parts[Bowl full]In this bowl sutra Lao Tzu emphasis that if we emit our full bowl anger then it will comes out&we free from that anger.[Funds& safety]In the second part,Lao Tzu states that if we think that we are unsafe that it is an illusion of our brain as we already saved by the nature& ruin our life moments in earning funds is worthless as we have to live that wealth once a day(not to be slave of your wealth be a owner like Warren Buffett).[Recognition follow up]If we follow up our life with others point of view and kill our mind who is innocent and true then we survive our life like a prisoner & at the time of death we repent for our captivity. 

SUTRA 11[MIND SUTRA]We join the wheels with their ankles,but the middle hole is useful to move the vehicle.We make clay pot,but it's empty space allows us to put anything in the pot.

Meaning:-In this sutra Lao Tzu states that everything has some empty space which is useful nor the material from which the product is made,thus to achieve success, happiness &wealth we find outside this all but we all get all this from the inside powers of mind which is like an empty space.

SUTRA 12[MIND SUTRA]We use hammer to built houses,but the empty space of its between is useful for us to live life.Thus we work in whole life for those which have with the things to fill the void space but attached to those things which are not worth for us.

Meaning:-In this sutra,Lao Tzu states that we all find happiness,success,wealth & its resources from outside,but we can't find the solutions to achieve all this things from inside which have numerous tools, resources and information to achieve success, wealth.

SUTRA 13[MIND SUTRA] Due to colors eyes get dazzling,and due to sound ears get deaf.Eating too delicious food tongue becomes tasteless & die to thinking our brain becomes weak. 

Meaning:-In this sutra there is a simple message that if we do injustice to natural things(sense organs,animals& human beings) then these things get destroyed as such if we do injustice to overthink and not go with the flow of mind then it is a ultimate death of us and a sin under nature& psychology.

SUTRA 14[MIND SUTRA] When you stop observing yourself for your own selfishness,then there is no chance of fear.

Meaning:-In the subject of psychology (frustration, worry, anxiety,sorrow are all the forms of fear)and to became fearless it is our first priority is to leave selfishness as it is the soul of fear and worthless and if we observe everything with selfless and compassion then we automatically became fearless.

SUTRA 15[MIND SUTRA]Success is as same dangerous like failure.Hope is likewise a deep hole than fear,just tell one thing that when your go upwards or downwards from stairs your place is always unsafe,as when you stand steady your legs at ground then your place gets safe.This means that Fear& Hope are both confusion & get evolved when we think about ourselves.

Meaning:-Success is a illusion under psychology as it is a pre planned emotions of brain which gradually affects our mind when we allow our mind to achieve something (i.e success).On the other hand when we lost something (wealth, property,love etc) from outside then our mind gets affected with it or travel with that outside happenings (also known as force of attraction)this is called Failure.Thus,to get rid from this vicious cycle of failure& success the only solution is to not get happy with success (positivity) as such when failure (negative) happens you stable like water.In addition fear& hope are both illusion made by us when we think about future and as everything is convertible here ,thus to worry about future is worthless as it evolves our mind towards a undefined fear & a sense of hope and Lord Krishna always says "Hope has the natural habit of break up".

SUTRA 16[MIND SUTRA]Stop thinking & ends up your questions & let us tell one thing that what is the difference between "Yes"&"No"?And also tell,what is the difference between Success& Failure?

Meaning:-In reality there is no end of curiosity and as this universe is full of mystery thus we can't a answers of our questions.Under psychology "Yes"&"No"are same in our personality development.For instance,In accordance with Thomas Edison there is no existence of God as he believes in his own actions.On the other hand,in accordance with Lord Krishna a family makes "society",Society makes a "country",Countries make "World"&world is the part of "Earth"& Earth and other planets make "Universe".Thus,the whole system of networking & interlinking is a the forms of God or Almighty which shows that accordance with Lord Krishna"Yes",there is the existence of God& in the sense of knowledge of a normal person whose consciousness is not reached to the level of great scholars,his "Yes"& "No" has no existence along with his respective arguments.

SUTRA 17[MIND SUTRA]The work others do,you also want to do that,the others who avert things you also want to avert that things,Lao Tzu states that,this is very funny.

Meaning:-In life everyone wants happiness & success,and for this they run like a runner in a race,but this causes sorrow& unsuccessful.Thus,success and happiness happens by the natural automation of mind,and this is only happens when we stable our senses from outside happenings,and this states makes us different from others.

SUTRA 18[MIND SUTRA]The other people are very excited,like they are go for a war,I don't care,only my face is expression-less like the first smile of a new born baby.The others have all that things they want,but I don't have anything.I am the only one who is fleshless,other people have bigger flesh,I am the only one who is fleshless.I am grass less,I am like a foolish.My brain is totally empty.

Meaning:- In this sutra Lao Tzu reveals the truth of life where they states that everybody here live their live in struggle like a warrior fight in the battlefield.Under psychology life is a flow where we have to do actions with the mind automation like a selfless, expression less child does when he/she born.As we all are the precious gift of nature nor robots who follow others command.We have natural intelligence given by the nature by default since birth who does not know anything about knowledge, religion, righteousness & unrighteousness as he is like a blank new  notebook during birth and pen down that things which are automatically generated from his/ her naughty expressions which the ancestors saying that "Infant are the manifestation of almighty",as they are under the natural automation system of nature at that time."

SUTRA 19[MIND SUTRA]People are stunning,only I am in the dark.I am alone foolish,other people's have flesh,only I do not know anything.I dragged like the waves of the sea flow.Likewise a directionless wind,I hanging here& there,but still I am unique from normal people as I am under the flow of primogenitary.*

Meaning:-Under pure psychology a foolish person is intelligent as normal person with brilliant brain as he listens to the ultimate source of consciousness of universe also called as "*primogenitary or the vast sea of nectar under the consciousness of Lao Tzu and accordance to Krishna this *primogenitary is almighty& this *primogenitary  is used well under limitations (eat,play&sleep) by a born infant baby.

SUTRA 20[MIND SUTRA]That Tao is that which cannot be understand,still the mentor  how get concentration with Tao?Because the mentor not pre occupied himself with any thoughts.

Meaning:-Every human being get universal instructions that what to do at each and every single second which is termed as (Tao) under Chinese philosophy Tao ching,only our duty is to follow that instructions without any further questions and information.As this universe is vast online platform of direct messages which under Bhagwad Gita is termed as "Parmatama".

SUTRA 21[MIND SUTRA]If you want to get everything,then give everything.

Meaning:-This sutra means that if we want to gain knowledge then empty your previous knowledge like a void vessel.For example If you want more money then you have to keep the mindset of wealthy as a poor person.

SUTRA 21[MIND SUTRA]Lao Tzu says that Tao is a very vast darkness which cannot be measured,so how the light comes from it?This Tao is very traditionary from time and space and this is very far.How do you I know that this is true?This is known by going to your inner.

Meaning:-In this Lao Tzu refers to the ultimate source of energy of Natrajan who are the ultimate source of consciousness and beyond the science of visibility (time and space)& are traditionary.All religions from different civilizations emphasizes to the invisible and invicibile energy of light& we all realise this energy by going to the inner,likewise Lord Krishna,Jesus,Thomas Edision get lights from any planned life and became successful.

SUTRA 22[MIND SUTRA]A mentor keep his mind with the Tao and he get englighten  light from it.

Meaning:-A individual who gets in touch with the vast To gets a englighten light from it when he has no doubts or any questions from Tao which makes him indifferent from others(ordinary individuals).People like Lord Krishna,Lao Tzu, Gautam Buddha,Lord Krishna, Kabir,Kalidas,writer Dr.Harivansh Rai Bachchan are the personalites who gets his mind with the Tao and gets the unbelieveable light from it which makes them a shining star even they are no more which shows their uniqueness from ordinary individuals.

SUTRA 23[MIND SUTRA]If you leave open yourself with Tao,then you will became one entity with Tao,i.e means you get absorbed with it.(Tao). Likewise if you free yourself for knowledge then you became one with knowledge & then you will use that knowledge.

Meaning:-In this sutra Lao Tzu emphasis that we have to live like a free will if we want anything(happiness, prosperity,wealth, knowledge etc) this habit allows the inner power to gain anything we want in life or which is useful to make our life a indifferent life of happiness from others.Like Edison,Steve Jobs,Krishna etc became a free will and get limitless consciousness of wealth, happiness & prosperity as God is omnipresent (nor in past or future) always present in current situations.

                          HUMAN SUTRAS:- 


SUTRA 1[HUMAN SUTRA]A person who puts himself in his own work can't do that creation work which is stable.

Meaning:-"Emotions comes from mind is called Intelligence like an born infant baby whereas thoughts comes from brain are called BRILLIANCE and an intelligent baby is more better than an brilliant individual as he follows the instructions comes from the last energy of universe called Tao and don't use his own brain or get distracted from outside happenings."

SUTRA 2[HUMAN SUTRA]A mentor do travel without leaving his home,the outside heart is so very beautiful but he always be serious in himself.Even though a king of whole state is why wandering here and there like a fool?

Meaning:- In this sutra Lao Tzu states the same knowledge the Lord Krishna states in karam yoga where they said to Arjuna that if he wants to free himself from the sins he has to fight the war with no emotion of victory and defeat i.e means he has no emotion of happiness if he win in the war and no emotion of sadness if he defeated in the war or even got died.As same the Lao Tzu says that do not travel your mind(sad) if we see any mis happening from outside or get so excited in happiness if we see any good things from outside as this is a simple law  of Life "If we happy from anything from outside it definitely gives sadness in future to us".Thus, if we do not react with both moments (good&bad) and be stable then we get a third dimension which is success,satisfaction & peace.

SUTRA 3[HUMAN SUTRA]If you not tossing yourself here& there,or if you allows yourself to be tossed here& there,then you disconnects yourself with actual,and if due to anxiety you lost your stability then you disconnects connection with yourselves.

Meaning:-Our inner wing(mind& soul earth)is stable& filled with lots of knowledge&scientific ideas).We get  immediate direct connection with Tao when we get stable.But when we toss ourselves here&there like a ball due to the attraction of outside knowledge then we torcher ourselves.                                               All human beings act& react in accordance to themselves,we can't give instructions to anybody for any action&reaction.In short,do not travel our mind with any incident happens,or due to others behaviour as it is the basic root of tension,depression,sorrow&guilt.                          Stand still& connects with Tao& never used yourself as a ball who can be payed by anyone.This causes disconnection with ourselves(our mind automation)imbalances us& breaks the connection with the soul of universe(called as Tao)&it allows our mind to works accordance with the instructions of ego& brain which lets us towards wrong decisions or ruined our life.                                                                                 The above fact is beautifully said by the late saint&fakir of Shirdi named "Sai Baba with two magical words "Shraddha" means Respect& "Saburi" means "Patience "or "Perseverance" are the two mediums of salvation.In the web series of "Aspirations" in you tube about this two qualities in their series for the candidates appear for competitive exams. 


Aspirations Web series

Sai baba serial clip
SUTRA 4[HUMAN SUTRA]A mentor meets with everyone& never says "No" to anyone,he uses every incident& never let it go empty,through this he allows the light to come within himself we says like that.

Meaning:-In this verse,Lao Tzu states that a mentor is a individual who welcomes everyone in his life with no pre-dominated thoughts like an infant enjoys evey moment of its life.Successful entities termed this mindset as "Living the life to the fullest".Lord Krishna,Shakuntala Devi(Indian Calculator) are the best examples under this context.
Shakuntala Devi

In Bhagavad Gita this mindset states the individual with the salvation from the vicious cycle of birth&death&makes its soul sin free.

SUTRA 5[HUMAN SUTRA]Like fear there is no other illusion,you  prepare to safe yourself,it's a very wrong thing.If a mentor becomes your foe that it is the biggest misfortune in your life& the person who sees beyond all the fears is always safe.

Meaning:-This is a very magical wand of  life& we all have to grasp or understand this beautiful system of time&nature.            The easy way to understand this universal system first thing that all events happened to your life is good& for your benefit as the creator is the mother&father of you who knows better than you and the almighty always has a plan for you& if you are in dilemma so stop thinking,steady your inner& let the show must go on.Moreover we are the beautiful consciousness of feeling(sadness,happiness,fun)& our prior duty is to set tuning Jesus Christ with nature so that we get instant wealth,creativity etc automatically.                                                            Let us take an example that when we get loss in business thus never mind& free yourself like a free bird as loss is the outside happening& your consciousness is traditionary& constant even while during death.Lord Jesus Christ knows this secret & not get affected from the dreadful death given by its opposition's& during death Jesus Pray to almighty i.e:-
     "These people are innocent,forgive them as they do not know what they do".
Jesus Christ 

In addition a second verse is also added here if we give immense sorrow to an innocent person whether he/she is a poor,disabled,pure& even a small child so we get instant punishment from the universe as they are simple,stable& nobody can enters in their mind and who makes these individuals their foes so they have to pay the high compensation in the court of the nature.As people who hang pure Jesus are now invisible like flies got invisible with the electrify mosquito repellent.                                                                     A person who gets allowance to enter their minds get successful& happy & a famous saying comes to my mind under this context  i.e:-
       "Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara 
     Guru Sakshat Parabrahma Tasmay Shri Guruvay Namaha".                                       This verse says that a guru(mentor) is the messenger or angel of the Tao(soul energy of universe or almighty& who disobeys a guru gets a life worse than a hell.                                                                              Even Kabir also says that "A poor Curse is very big"
A scene of the film.

& pure which also shown in the old hindi film "Satyam Shivam Sundaram".
Sant Kabir
In short,makes your mind a platform& let the universal train to come in as this Tao only needs everyone to enjoy& live the each moment of life to the fullest.& This only happens when we see beyond all the fears come across us .As we have two hands& the almighty has lots of hands with unbelievable powers.

SUTRA 6,[HUMAN SUTRA]If you keep yourself in middle,then you will meet to death& you will stable forever.     

Meaning:-We all.know that death is the final destination of every individual in this earth whether it is an animal or organism or even human being,but we still tries to save the things which we have to leave at the time of death.                                 In short Lao Tzu emphasis that we have to live the life to the fullest like Lord Krishna,Jesus Christ,Shakuntala Devi(Indian Calculator) does.As if we enter to the almighty house on time in its order we become "DR" with our name which means our name gets immortal& if we enter late in the house of almighty we become "LATE" added with our name.

SUTRA 7[HUMAN SUTRA]Fame or purity which is more important?Money or happiness which is more valuable?Successful or unsuccessful who destroys more?

Meaning:-Under Pure Psychology what the human thinks doesn't matter,what he/she does in its actions reveals it's personality& character from inside is the vital part of an individual.                                       People who runs for fame get to that things which he/she doesn't know useful for his/her life.For Example:-Karna in Mahabharata runs for fame as the best archer ever than Arjuna& at the end time he lost his knowledge he got from his mentor Lord Parshurama.On the other hand Arjuna search for pure knowledge& he gets the best chariot& Knowledge of "Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna.                           On practical basis Ratan Tata,Steve Jobs,Lord Jesus,Buddha,Mirabai,Kabir etc are search purity nor fame or money.


SUTRA 8[HUMAN SUTRA]Everyone who is born is the proof of its presence,&the no present state born its present proof.  

Meaning:This sutra is quite confusing but simple &true.Let a baby identification as a boy or girl is unrevealed but its presence of as a boy or girl is the proof of its presence where the Tao(ultimate energy of universe knows that whether the baby is a boy or girl) which shows its gender present proof & when the baby born automatically the truth revealed around us.                                                                                   Let us take an example of a film which is not released in theatres or  no promo shown.Here the director,producer actors are the hidden world of the film which reveals it's release presence& after released it automatically gives its presence proof through TV promos or advertisment.


SUTRA 1[DAY TO DAY LIFE EVENT]If you want to shrink anything then you to have to expand that thing,if you want to exfoliation,then you have to propagate it,If you want to get anything then you have to give something,softness get victory to hardness& a normal speed individual is won with fast speed individual.

Meaning:Lao Tzu describes this sutra in four parts& we discuss by line wise.

Part 1:We all know that we all want to expand everything which we like& which are useful in our life& we all want to exfoliation that things which are foe of ourselves.Like we want to expand satisfaction,fun,prosperity& exfoliation unsuccessful,tension,sorrow etc.                          There is no dilemma in all these things ,all confusion is in the process.In pure psychology the above criteria is not applicable.If you want love,stop love others,love yourself then you automatically love others like Lord Krishna does in his whole life.                         

Part 2:If you want to exfoliation,then you have to increase or expand that thing.In pure psychology do opposite of it.Like if you want love then love yourself,if you want to become successful then hear your inner voice stop asking from others.Like Lord shiva says that if you want knowledge go to your inner soul voice,the Lord Krishna says the same thing to Arjuna where he is in dilemma to fight against his own family members.

PART 3:If you want anything,you have to give anything is the simple law of human life.But in pure psychology there is no law of give&take,like in Nature&God always have the quality to give everything with compassion.But in human life,if you want anything like god you have give your time.

Thus,live the life like Lord Krishna who give that thing comes from the almighty&not interfere in anybody life as they love himself& automatically develops a habit to love others.

PART 4:As god& nature has the quality of softness then the almighty has the victory to hardness,as same an infant selfless,softness voice&actions defeated to all hard heart people.Moreover a normal speed individual always win to a speedy individual,as a normal speed individual do everything with the flow of time.A famous story of Turtle& Rabbit race proves the above sutra as Turtle goes with the flow of time& defeated the fastest racer rabbit.

SUTRA 2[DAY TO DAY LIFE EVENTS]Whenever you have name&image then you understand that it is for a limited time being.If you have an institution,then you must know your limitations&where you have to stop, you know that,then you elude that difficulty.

Meaning:In pure psychology we are not body consciousness we are only mind consciousness i.e means the sense of feelings.In all your surroundings we see anything is an illusion& stays for temporary.Thus,if you meets somebody you see its mind not body as anything done by body has no existence.                              Great scholars like Thomas Edision,Galib,Lord Krishna are not body consciousness they are all  mind consciousness.Always treats your body as your institution&know that everything has limitations  like anger,love,peer-pressure has limitations&space always alerts us about that limitations .

SUTRA 3[DAY TO DAY LIFE EVENTS]True completeness,feels incomplete,but it is fully complete,all is if filled,but seems incomplete then it is truly filled.True ease feels false.True intelligence felt crazy&true art seems without art.


We are all complete&true but we feels that we are incomplete if we put one think in mind that we have nothing which we have to learn then you get yourself complete in present state.Likewise a poor person is complete as compared to a wealthy person as he/she knows the truth of life&the gameplan of the wheel time.

Socrates Always Says"A person who do not knows anything knows everything."In our Mythology the guy with simple heart&innocence is always called as "Bhola Bhandari" or the immense devotee of Lord Shiva named "Nandi",.Even Nandi proves this fact when great knowledgeable scholars visited to Lord Shiva weeding they ask the questions related to Mythology to Nandi& Nandi gives answers in Sign Language.The sages are made fun of it.But Lord Shiva gives the deep meaning of its Sign language.

Moreover when The great Devotee of Lord Shiva Ravana discourages Nandi for its appearance in the absence of lord Shiva.Nandi cursed Ravana that the troop army of monkeys ruined your wealth&prosperity&everybody's knows that Lord Hanuman destroyed Ravana Lanka.

PART 2(FILLED SEEMS EMPTY):This is the game of spirituality&psychology that when we felt that we lost everything then we have everything.And when we think we have everything we soon lost everything.Thus be in the form of 0.It is just like that 0 has no value in the counting.But when goes after a number 2 makes it value 200& if before makes it value 2.As same death seems like that if anyone thinks that e gets alone after his/her father or parents death the game planner of this universe holds its hand in the invisible way.

PART 3(TRUE SIMPLICITY SEEMS FAKE)True ease or simplicity seems fake by everyone in any era even now in this modern world also.But this simplicity saves that individuals from ego& negative thoughts as he/she shows what he/she is like a kohinoor diamond is precious as this diamond cannot be cut due to naturally designed by the nature.People Like Lord Krishna,Astavakra,Kabir,Jesus are all with true Simplicity.Simplicity means what is in your mind you reveal without any fear.

PART 4(TRUE ART):Art means the inherient talent gives by the nature.Nowadays people seems true artist to those who have name&fame in Film industry like actors& producers but they forget the hidden main hereos of making the film like writer,cameraman etc.In real life people also thinks that person as an artist who is singer but they forget who those people who put the song in reality like musician,writer,organise they are all the real artist who make the front artist a popular one. 
SUTRA 4[DAY TO DAY LIFE EVENTS]Great paths are so simple,but still people like trail.When everything is out of control,then be alert&centre your mind at Tao.A individual who is far away from Tao,they never rise&who hug the Tao,their names will become invicibile from one generation to another with proud.

Meaning:We all know that Kabir,Krishna ,Lao Tzu,Meerabai are all great psychologist.And the Law of nature is very simple that be with your mind truth.All the above psychologist states the same way to live a tension free life.                       In moving on our discussion Lao Tzu states that sometimes we come into state that when the situations or problems in our life becomes a  havoc& uncontrollable.Thus,here in that situation we have to be alert &actionless &acts like A saint& only sees the Problem as a viewer.Be act like our Hon'ble Prime Minister who said in of its speech that   "Yeh log hamara Kaya bhagad lingay hum to fakir adami hai bhai,jola lekhar nikal padhanagay.And everyone knows the grace of our Prime Minister that nobody can move them from their status as they centralised their mind with Tao at the time of negative comments&publicity. 



As  same our mental status&mindfulness is alike our Hon'ble Prime Minister.And at the end the Lao Tzu states that A individual who is far away from Tao(means universal laws) can't be rise like a sun.And who hug and accepts the Tao(universal Laws)becomes invicibile even after death&his/her name taken with proud from one generations to another generations.

SUTRA 5[DAY TO DAY LIFE EVENTS]Be like Tao,as you can't go near to it nor far,even you can't get any loss&benefit from it&it always gives one way&it makes you a self stable individual.

Meaning:Tao means Truth which can't be denied or be changed.God is omnipresent& present in current moment&situation.Human main problem is that he/she moves its mind to the past situation&future planning which is the basic root cause of its depression.

 Let us take an example of lord Krishna they are died thus their body consciousness is not true,but their divine knowledge of Bhagavad Gita is true.Thus focus on the qualities of Lord Krishna which was defined by Lord Krishna Self Consciousness in the form of Bhagavad Gita is why it is also called as Krishna Consciousness.

Let us take a daily life experience.If you are angry then do not try to hide them as it is your current truth in the form of almighty &accept that truth which is stated here Tao ie you can't go far from your angry tempo,nor near but you can accept that situation this makes you stable after sometime.

SUTRA 6[DAILY LIFE EVENTS]When the problem lies upon him,then he stops for a while&thinks about it,he not concerned about its comfort zone i.e why for him any problem is not a  big problem.

Meaning:This is a very simple rule&it is a vast miracle system that every moment of your life script is written by the great director of the universe(called Tao).We get instructions from Tao&we have to perform our own role&it is very simple fact.                                                                   But in life problems still exists.Why?Because,we get to know that a film director choose the following actors,this is the script(story)&the shooting is going in,even there is no role of us in it nor invited by the director.But we start acting in the film on its own&nor have the knowledge to read the script.Lao Tzu stated here that be the hero of your script,be calm,be with the automation&visualize the problems.But do not focus on your comfort zone.For example in your life script when you get ill then a doctor may enter, but do not let enter in the superstition of regular visiting to holy places.

Shakuntala Devi-Heroine of her life Script

SUTRA 7[DAILY LIFE EVENTS]Before the commencement of problems into reality let them to stop it or rectify it.

Meaning:My mentor Mr. Deep Trivedi always says in their lectures that the nature is made from time&space.We have to understand that here Time refers to "Invisible force"who runs the visible space.Both born together.But time comes first(within a fraction of seconds)here your mind is the "Time"&what we see from the eyes is" Space".                                                                                          For Example:If you thinks that a person is not right from his words,then it is not his problem it is yours as the emotion he is not right comes first in your mind&then reflect to your eyes(space) in the form of images.                                                                                                                                               In short your mind is your Mirror&the reflection reflect in your mind shows in the form of images through eyes.

SUTRA 8[DAILY LIFE EVENTS]Tao always be quiet&without competition he wins.

Meaning:Tao always not goes to that field where competition exists,but a normal individual indulges in competition.If you want to connect to Tao,then be non-competitive.As life is not the battlefield of hard work&struggle.In short be like Tortoise not rabbit,as dharma is the concept of your mind&soul&be enjoy the every moment of life.                                                                                    Great psychologist Lord Krishna always says that"BE A LEARNER NOR TOPPER",AS LEARNER BECOMES TOPPER AND TOPPER IN FUTURE DEMOTES FROM ITS STATUS.

Great Psychologist:Lord Krishna

Even Great Indian Women Calculator& Mathematician "Mrs Shakuntala Devi believes to Enjoy every Moment of life like Tao&wins the life race of being the greatest women After death.

Shakuntala Devi-Live life to the fullest

In my opinion Great People after death comes to the god at the single voice of the Lord,as they never tired themselves in struggle&hardwork ie why after death their name is rewarded with "Dr"(Doctor) in any field.,on the other hand normal people waste their stamina in struggle that why their name is started With Late after death.

Time Sutras 

[Sutra 1]Things created and he allows to be in creation,he has that thing but there is no ownership of it&he did actions but he does not make an hope with their actions.

Meaning: "He" means "Mentor" who knows the system of time&space.This is the very large&complicated system of Tao(Time)who runs each&everything together including humanity with zero error.                                                                                You will noticed that things are created and destroyed here everything is not stable it's keep changing like a film whose director is time.This fact is clearly defined in Bhagavad Gita and thre English movie Lucy.Even your mood,hunger,anger,sleep has its own way of happening you not have the control on it and at that time that situation is omnipresent like almighty which can't be denied.

Lucy movie

Bhagavad gita
SUTRA 2[TIME SUTRA]Those people who claim as being knowledgeable,they create entangle in their brain,try not do anything and then everything get sets for you.

Meaning:In this world the main problem is that knowledge is the tool who ruins you as they sets you at work.And life is spontaneous and changes at each moment.
       Examples like if you said i am Hindu then you have to follow the rituals of Hinduism which makes you captive.Thus,knowledge is a tool of connection and a type of clutch.
   In short we get stuck in the three stages:


Thus,Lord Krishna also said that to Arjuna do actions with zero mindset and free your soul.

  A relatable Sutra is also said by Lao Tzu which clears the game of Three dimension and how this universe created and works tells in deep as ewe are in scientific era then it is very easy for us to understand it.
 Let take a look on the Sutra.

SUTRA[CONNECTED WITH THREE DIMENSION CONCEPT]:Tao born one,one born two and three borns everybody.

Meaning:Tao means without any thought or means zero and this concept is beyond in the calculations made by brain.Tao born one means the zero is created by the will soul of universe and zero is the soul of creation and creation creates Time and space.In psychology,time is refers to uor mind and space is the world we see from eyes.If we are happy from mind(time) then we speaks to everybody(space) politely and vice versa.This is the first concept of three dimension at the stage of creation.
  In concept of science,Electron,Proton&neutron.In concept of Mathematics,alpha,beta and gamma and in concept of thinking Positive,negative&neutral.Moreover in relations,Good,bad and normal etc.This three dimension is an illusion and the root cause of worry.Be near to the dimensions of Time and space which is the ultimate truth.

MEANING: Whenever till we do not understand that life is the sea of droplets of moments and one moment cannot be into another moment then we at the stage of confusion,fear,depression etc.
      The ultimate one step solution is to empty your mind notebook and give the pen of your life to the professor of time and space as he brings you at this life school so he knows what chapters of our life makes you a perfect person for yourself at the initial stage then makes you an unbeatable asset for the rest of the souls.
  Examples of the personalities who empty their notebooks are lord Krishna,ramakrishna paramhansa,Dirubhai Ambani.
  In short accept all the incidents came into your life to the fullest and you wins the race of life like a turtle wins in the story of a rabbit where rabbit knowledge of being fast makes sleepy at the coming stage of race and allows tortoise to win the unexpected race.

Meaning:We all are the employees of the time,as time is the boss of all of us that what we have to do at that moment,as life is continuous changing and each moment is different from past moment.Thus,we have to hear the voice of the time as he knows what is the right way to be alerted,energetic,slow,tired and progressive.For instance,In case of Lord Krishna life, to be a coward at the time of Jarasandh who comes with army to kill Krishna is a intellegence and whereas the ARJUNA decision to be coward in the battlefield of Kurushetra is an offence under time,both are battlefields,in one case Lord Krishna saves the life of innocent people of Mathura and on the other hand Arjuna put their family members into danger.
    In the story of Rabbit and tortoise race,the same scenario there is the time to be energetic and there is a time to get slow this is called the gameplan of time.


Tortoise wins the race as go with the flow of time.

[SUTRA 5]Tao gives birth to one,one gives birth to two;two gives birth three&at last three  gives birth to all.

Meaning: This sutra contains the mystery of this universe."Tao" means the ultimate power of universe who is supreme zero.Tao gives birth to time&space.Everything happens under this time&space whether it is human life or universe itself.

      In associated with human Time refers to its mind.If we happy within in your mind(time)then the outer space moment of 3 hours goes like a  3 minutes pass away moment&if our mind is unhappy then the 3 minutes moment became s like a 3 hour baggage moment.This is under science is called as "Theory of Relativity".If we set our mindset the outer space also automatic setted&this is the real psychology with zero confusion.

Through this medium of science of time&space we can calculate the present,past&future of  anything within seconds.

  This science makes our life tension free as we become the viewers of all incidents happens in our life rather than play role character of our life incidents.

Thus our duty is to remain healthy bodywise&thought wise as this universe is formed with three aspects :




D.Gunn: Tamogunn;Rajogunn&Satogunn




H.Ayurveda:Heta sutra;Ling sutra&Dravya

H.Ayurveda  Meridians: Vertical;Horizontal &Spiral

I.Chemistry:Positive;Negative &Neutral

[SUTRA 6]The news brought by a moment,guru surrenders to it,as he knows that death is the ultimate truth and nobodys can entangled it with this ,there is  no illusion in his mind&even no objection with its body.He doesn't think for its actions as his actions come from its insights.He doesn't have anything for life to give and  because of this he ready for the death to come as we slept after doing a  whole day work.

Meaning: You all see this nature,the sun gives light to humanity;wind blows with its tendency,lots of natural blasts happening in space.In a nutshell,the nature magic wand going on.Do you ever not noticed that all these things happen with automation under the consent of time.Nature laws are constant and equal for all.All happens by moments.Time roll and move up everyone.All the decisions are taken up by time and your life entire future is decided by time nor you .Time has the great tuning with mind.All ideas come in our mind is all given by time itself we have to just surrender to the voice of time by makes our inside soul empty and free from outside space knowledge. 

[SUTRA 7]If you want to be relevant with Tao then separate yourself once the task get completed.

Meaning: This is the last intellegence .When they says Tao it refers to last energy or time .When they says soul it refers to mind and the third aspect is brain,ego,sense organs grand total&we said this illusion.And Tao is the last energy which exists. 

    To maintain harmony with Tao then do completed  your task and get separated with it means "Do deeds without the mode of fruititive results."For example a child plays with toy so its joy with toy is its automatic fruit.This brings automatic creativity in yourself.

[SUTRA 8]Accept the world as you see.If you accept the world,the Tao emits from you.As a utensil from wood.A mentor has felt that utensil&he kept near the wood&that's why he uses all things.

Meaning:[First part]We have three worlds.First is the immortal  time,second our mind time&third our brain&ego &we have to accept our mind time as same as it would be.This sense of acceptance is heaven.

[Second part]Life is within us.Knowledge&success is within us&whatsoever is our mind is the automation of Tao.

[Third part]A mentor accept this truth for example he says that anger comes from him ,he not get angry.

[SUTRA 9]To rule over humans,there basis are on Tao,they do not forced on any subject.This is the lesson ofTao.For any action there is a reaction.Violence whether it is for good cause it always return back.A mentor does that work and stuck over it as he knows this world is not in his control.

Meaning:Great personalities like Lord Buddha,Krishna,Mahavir has no force knowledge on humans and they follow the lesson of Tao.In this todays world there is rule over artist and scientists as they have not forced action on humans to listen to their songs or usage of technology.Violence done by Parents,or by any person with any cause creates destruction. 

[SUTRA 10]It is a saying that which way is going towards light seems to be darker .The way which let you move on might felt be backwards.

Meaning:For mind the way which might be towards light seems to be darker for brain and self ego.For example Dancing with strangers in Krishna devotion for Meera is an enlighted way but for society it is unacceptable. As mind hated hardwork and wants enjoyment and satisfaction. 


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