Bhagavad Gita -By Deep Trivedi

 Bhagwad Gita-By Deep Trivedi


This is a very interesting blogpost which I decided to share with my audience after knowing the importance of Bhagwad Gita in one's human life,it is a well-known conversation between the two great personalities of Mahabharata Krishna and Arjun as everybody knows.                                                                            This is not a specified religion book,it is for all around the world no matter from where he/she is.It is a psychological war between Arjuna and Krishna,where Krishna repairs Arjun mindset  when Arjuna got scared and stuck with  his decision to not fought the war as he thought that he became a sinful personality of one's own family members death.                               In this blog I describes the psychological and scientific truths hidden in Bhagwad Gita which is decoded by Mr Deep Trivedi in simple words.Lets start this divine conversation with each verse.

                          Chapter 1.                                                         The Yoga of Arjuna grief

Adhyay 1[1of 3] Dhiritarshtra said:-On the field of righteousness,on the land of Kurukshetra assembled together,eager to fight what did my men and the sons of Pandu do?O Sanjaya.

Meaning:-The Dhiritarshtra simply asked Sanjay about the latest update of the happenings in the battlefield of kurukshetra,but this question symbolises that a sense of curiosity upon any subject matter of an individual shows that he is blind on that subject matter.Forexample a blind man  only asks about the door of the room nor the  person with visibility asks about the door as he is knows where the exit door of the room.   

 Sanjay said:-Seeing the army of the Pandavas drawn up in battle-array,King Duryodhana then approached the preceptor (Dronacharya)&spoke these words:-Behold,O Preceptor!This mighty army of the sons of Pandu arrayed by the son of Durapada,thy wise disciple.In this army are present hereos,mighty archers equal in battle to Bhima& Arjuna.Yuyudhana(Satyaki)Virata& the mighty car-warrior Draupada.Dhrskateu Cekitana, the heroic king Purjit of Kashi,Kuntibhoj and Sabhiya ,the best if men.The vialant Yudhamanyu,the brave Uttamaujah,the son of Subhadra& the sons of Draupadi-all of them warrior cheifs.As for the most distinguished warriors on our side,know them,thou the best of the twice born!I mention the leaders of my army for your information.Yourself and Bhishma,Karna and also Krpa who is ever victorious in battle.Asvathama,Vikaram,as well as Bhurisrava ,the son of Somadatta.Many other brave warriors too,who are ready to give up their lives for my sake, equipped with various weapons and missiles,all skilled in warfare.This army of ours,protected by Bhishma is inadequate,but that of theirs protected by Bhima is quite adequate.   

Meaning:-In this verse by Duryodhana,he describes the army of his side and his enemy side the Pandavas to Duronacharya in a full-fledged and beautiful way,but there are two things we must notice that Duryodhana was quite half confident about his victory in the war when he added that the army protected by Bhima itself is quite adequate and secondly he forgot to count Krishna in the war as he thought that a individual without weapons can't win the battle.This shows that everyone in the world calculate his brain calculations nor the inner voice comes from the soul which at the end became a sense of high guilt.

 [Continued para]Therefore,stationed in your respective positions,inthe several divisions of the army,all of you must protect Bhishma in particular.His mighty grandfather (Bhishma),the grand old man of the Kaurava race,in order to cheer Duryodhana,roared aloud like a lion,& blew his conch.Then(following Bhishma) conches kettledrums,favors,drums& cow- horns blared forth all at once.The sound was tumultuous.Then seated in a glorious chariot,yoked with white horses,Madhava(Krishna),as well as the son of Pandu(Arjuna) blew their divine conches.Hrikesa blew the Panchajanya and Dhananjaya(Arjuna)blew the Devadatta Bhima of terrific valiant deeds, blew the great conch Paundra.King Yudhishthira,the son of Kunti blew his conch Anantvijaya,while Nakula& Sahadev blew theirs Sughosa and Manipuspaka.An excellent archer,the king of Kasi,the great chariot-warrior Sikhandi,Dhrstradyuma & Virata& Satyaki,the unsurpassed.Drpauda& the sons of Draupadi,the mighty-armed son of Subhadra(Abhimanyu),all of them,O Lord of the earth,blew their conches separately.That uproar thundered across the sky& the earth& shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhrtarastra.Then seeing the sons of Dhrtarashtra in the battle-array& the discharge of weapons about to commence,Arjuna who had the figure of Hanuman on the flag of his chariot,took up his bow.Arjuna spoke these words to Krishna:-O Lord of the earth!Arjuna said:-"Place my chariot in the midst of the two armies,O Acyuata".Let me behold them standing bent on doing battle,& know with whom I must fight,in this great combat.Let me see those who are assembled here to fight the wicked Duryodhana in this war.  

Meaning:-The first para which describes the armies who blew up their conches before the commencement of war,shows that people are interested in live a life in struggle nor the life with its flow like a river & the second part of the para where Arjuna order Lord Krishna to put his chariot between those people who are come here to pleasure or help out the Duryodhana who ruined his life since birth till the day he appeared in the war shows a bad imprint of cruelty he faces due to Duryodhana & also shows a sense of Intelligence under this war time that he take an assessment before the commencement of war that from whom he has to fight so that he can make strategy according to that,this gives a lesson to today's student that before starting a career he/she must take a assessment that the degree from whom he start his/ her studies is beneficial and inner satisfaction for lifetime nor became a clutches of guilt and struggle in future.     Adhyay 1[2of 3] Sanjay said:-O Bharata(Dhrtarashtra)thus addressed by Gudakesha (Arjuna)Hrsikesah stationed that best of chariots between two armies.(Krishna placed the chariot)in front of Bhishma & Drona& all the rulers of the earth .and said"Partha(Arjuna),behold these Kauravas gathered here.

Meaning:- This was a very simple action and words said by Lord Krishna to Arjuna when Krishna placed the chariot between the two armies and in front of two great warriors Bhishma and Drona,but under psychology this shows the ultimate consciousness of Lord Krishna under this pressurized atmosphere of battlefield.        [Continued Para]Then Partha saw there stationed fathers,grandfathers,teachers,uncles,brothers,sons,grandsons&friends too.(He saw) fathers- in law& well-wishers also in both the armies.Seeing all the relatives standing here,the son of Kunti,Arjuna-spoke thus sorrow fully,filled with deep compassion.Arjuna said:-O Krishna,seeing these relations of mine,arrayed,desirous to fight-My limbs are weakening,my mouth dries up my body shivers& my hair is standing on end.The bow,Gandva, slips from my hand,my skin burns all over,I am unable even to stand and my mind wanders ,as it were .And,I see  inauspicious omens,O Kesava.Nor do I see any good in killing my  kinsmen in battle.I don't desire victory,Krishna ,nor kingdom nor pleasures.O Govinda!Of what avail is kingdom to us?Of what avail are pleasures,or even life itself?Those for whose sake we desire kingdom,enjoyments,& pleasures,stand here in battle,having renounced life&wealth.Preceptors,fathers,sons and also grandfathers,maternal uncles,fathers in law,grandsons,brothers-in-law& other relatives...These I do not wish to kill,though they may kill me.O Madhusudana,even for the sake of sovereignty over the three worlds,what to speak for the sake of the earth?What pleasure will we derive by killing  these sons of Dhrtarashtra,O Janardana?Only sin will accrue to us by killing these aggressors.Therefore,it is not proper of us to kill the sons of Dhrtarashtra,our relatives,for how can we be happy by killing our own people,O Madhava?Though they,with their mind blinded by greed,see no evil in the destruction of families,& no sin in their cruelty to friends.Why should not we ,who clearly see evil in the destruction of families learn to turn away from the sin,O Janardana? 

Meaning:-After seeing great warriors from both the armies & a wide range of people in the opposition party which was filled with undefeated warriors(Bhishma and Dronacharya). Arjuna got scared,depressed and nervousness which he explained to Lord Krishna by the mind wanders or the body burns all over he added in the conversation with Krishna.This is a sense of anxiety,and fear and the force of fear was so powerful in Arjuna's mind which directly affects his brain and body and he deviated with his aim to fight for the rights he wanted for his family since birth from Kauravas.In simple words,he tries to hide up his fear in the curtain of excuses.This also reveals a scientific Law of Newton which states that "Anything which is stationary can't be moved without any force applied to it and anything which is in motion can't be stop when the force of stop that thing is not happened".This is the universal law which applied to both living and non-living things even with our mind.Another point is that "The act of pretend or the habit of hide the emotions of mind is called Intelligence in terms of psychology".Here Arjun acts like an intelligent individual in front of Lord Krishna.                                        Adhyay1[3of3]With the destruction of a family,the eternal traditions fostered in the family will perish.When spiritual values are destroyed then unrighteousness predominates the entire race.When unrighteousness is predominant,O Krishna the women of the family become corrupt,and with the corruption of women.O descendent of the Vrsni clan,there ensures an intermixture of castes.Confusion of castes leads the destroyers of the family as well as the family to hell.Deprived of the sacrificial offerings,the ancestors of such families also fall.By these evil deeds of the destroyers of the family,which cause confusion of castes,the eternal caste traditions & family customs are destroyed.O Janardana!We have heard that men who have lost their family traditions,dwell in hell for an indefinite period of time.Alas!We seem determined to commit  a great sin.Due to greed for kingdom and enjoyment,we are prepared to kill our kinsmen.If the sons of Dhrtarashtra with weapons in hand kill me in battle,while I am unarmed & unresisting,that could be better for me.

Meaning:- In the following conversation with Krishna, Arjuna listed the consequences of the war,that how a war could destroy the spiritual and moral values of the society,both including men and women of the society where women becomes corrupt and the men who lost their families in war became morally criminal and became their lives hell.This shows the force of fear works upon Arjun mind which led him to behave like an unusual person and these are all excuses by Arjun as he was deeply in the clutches of fear.                                                                     [Continued Para]Sanjay said:-Having this spoken in the midst of the battlefield, Arjuna sat down on the seat chariot,casting away his bow& arrow,with his mind overwhelmed with sorrow.

Meaning:-In the previous para Arjun tried to convince Krishna to leave the battlefield as Krishna was the driver of his chariot and without the consent of Krishna he was unable to leave the battlefield, for that he explained the consequences after the war happened in the society.As their is no sign of approval of Krishna on the facts explained by Arjuna,he at last defined clearly Krishna that he not fought the war anymore or at any cost and even accept death.    

                                            Chapter 2                                                             The Yoga Of Knowledge 

Adhyay 2 [1 of 13]:-Sanjay said:-To him(Arjuna),who was thus overwhelmed with pity and despondency,with eyes full of tears and agitated.Madhusudhana spoke these words.The Blessed Lord said:-Arjuna,how has this delusion overtaken you in this moment of crisis?It is unwelcome to noble souls,un heavenly and disgraceful.

Meaning:-The first verse said by the Lord Krishna after listening the Arjuna's grief words of sadness shows the unmeasurable height of Krishna's consciousness which is incredible and unbeatable where Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that the love and compassion filled in his mind for their relatives was worthless and a sense of Infatuation.Thus, Infatuation means the actions,emotions  done or evolved untimely is a sense of foolishness and fascination and noble and great personalities can't behave like this and it gives a tag of "coward" to  Arjuna glory as a warrior in the society.                                    [Continued Para]Yield not to un manliness,O Partha!It doesn't befit you!Shake off this petty weakness of the heart and stand up,O vanquisher of foes!

Meaning:-This simple sentence reveals that time is very powerful it can demolish our plans.For example:-At the moment where Jarasandh,a family member of Kansa family went for Krishna assassination at Dwarka,then Krishna leaves the battlefield as Krishna knows that  staying in Dwarka resulted  the death of innocent soldiers of his empire which is not appropriate.On the other hand,in the battlefield between Kaurava and Pandavas Krishna ordered Arjuna to fight the war.                                                         Arjuna said:- O Madhusudana! How shall I fight Bhishma& Drona with arrows,in battle?They are worthy of worship,O destroyer of enemies!Better it is indeed,to live in alms in this world than to slay these noble teachers because after killing them,all wealth& pleasures  we are bound to enjoy will be stained with blood.We are do not even know what is better for us,whether we conquer them or they conquer us.My nature is overwhelmed with the vice of faint-heartedness, my mind is confused with regard to my duty .I blessech you!Tell me for certain what is good for me.I am Thy disciple .Do instruct me,who has taken refuge in Thee.I do not see any means that will remove this grief,which has scorched my senses,even if I attain an unrivalled& prosperous kingdom on earth,or even lordship over the gods.

Meaning:- In this verse said by Arjuna shows that Arjuna fear works over its brain and mind with such a great force that he even unfamiliar about that and acts like a saint or even accepted Renunciation.Moreover he was not sure about his victory in the battlefield and as Krishna is the driver of his chariot and to convince Krishna to get free from this hell of battlefield he appoints himself as the student of Lord Krishna and  accept Lord Krishna as his guru who removes all his grief,fear and confusion which he surrounded suddenly after seeing great warriors in his opposition party.                   Sanjay said:-Having spoken thus to Krishna (The Lord of the Senses).Gudeksha(Arjuna,the conqueror of sleep)the destroyer of enemies,said to Govinda,"I will not fight" and became silent indeed.

Meaning:- After seeing that  Krishna dis approved all the facts and grief underlined by Arjuna  with the motive to convince Krishna to leave the battlefield.Arjuna clearly declares that he not fight in the battlefield ant any cost.    

                                                                                             Adhyay 2[2 of 13]To him ,who was despondent in the midst of the two armies  armies.Krishna spoke these words mockingly,O Bharata(Dhrtarashtra,born in Bharata dynasty)!The Blessed Lord said:-Your grieve for those who,who should not be grieved for, yet,you speak words of wisdom.The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead.Never,at any time,have I been not,neither you nor  these rulers of men.And never shall we all cease to be thereafter.Just as the embodied soul,in the body,passes into childhood,youth,and old age,so also does it pass into another body.A wise man is not bewildered by it.O sons of Kunti!The contacts of senses with objects cause cold and heat, pleasure and pain.These come and go& are impermanent.Endure them,O Bharata(Arjuna).O noblest of men(Arjuna),the wise men to whom surely these afflict not,to whom pain and pleasure are alike,becomes fit for immortality.                                                                                                                                             Meaning:- After listening to the deep grieve words of Arjuna,Krishna scoffingly spoke these words to Arjuna,that your words seems to be like a priest said but these all words are not utter by wise men,as  wise men is not get affected with the death of anyone or nor when an individual is alive.As all the rulers you see in this battlefield are live for centuries including me and you and after death they still existed in this world.The subjects which come in contact with our senses are not constant and are temporary as they occur in one moment and in another moment demolish.,and if you can't get rid with the subject of grief of death of your relatives at this moment,so Arjuna you have to suffer that grief due to your ignorance.As wise men who knows that subject matter contact with their senses are temporary change their mindset and not get attracted with the subjects, and those wise men who view  sadness and happiness as same are the individuals suitable for emancipation.                                Adhyay 2[3 of 13]The unreal has no existence,and the real has no non-existence (it never ceases to be).The truth about both these has been perceived by the seers of Reality.

Meaning:- In this verse Lord Krishna reveals that unreality has no existence and truth is existed at every part of the universe and applicable on living,non-living and human itself which are constant before the evolution of centuries and are traditionary.On the other hand the facts said by Arjuna from some ethology are temporary and changes with the flow of time.Under psychology there are 3 types of truth:-1)Nature laws(Gravitational force), Individual truth(Mind emotions)and Time Truth (Situation Truth) which nobody can denied from it and great philosophers experienced these both subjects in their life.                                                                           

Adhyay 2 [4 of 13]By which all this is pervaded,know that to be indestructible.None can cause the destruction of that- the imperishable.These bodies of the embodied self,which is eternal, indestructible & incomprehensible,are said to have an end.Therefore fight.O Bharata!

Meaning:- In this verse Lord Krishna enlightenes Arjun that all visible things like wealth,human beings are not constant and are mortal,but the soul is immortal and can't be died even after the destruction of human body.                              [Continued Para]He who takes the self to be the slayer and who takes it to be the slain,neither of them knows.The soul neither slays nor is slain.This self is never born,it never dies either.Having been born,it never ceases to be,again.Unborn,eternal, everlasting & ancient,it is not killed when the body is killed.O Partha!He who knows it(self) as the imperishable, eternal,unborn& un decaying,how can he cause death to anyone and whom does he kill?

Meaning:-In this verse Krishna defines that the soul is invicibile, immortal and never born and ancient and also present after the death of the body.An individual who knows about this basic truth never dies and nor give death to anyone.Let us take an example of the Television software where we watch different movies,serial,songs but the inner software of the television is not affected by the movies as rhe software of the television is immortal and be present after the destruction of the television.         Adhyay 2 [5 of 13]Just as a person discarding worn out clothes,puts on new ones, likewise,the embodied self discarding worn out bodies,enters into others,which are new.Weapons do not cut it(self),fire doesn't burn it,water doesn't wet it,wind doesn't dry it.This self cannot be cut,burnt ,wetted or dried.Eternal, all - prevading,stable ,immovable and ancient is it.This(self) is said to be un manifest ,unthinkable and  unchangeable.Therefore knowing it to be such you should not grieve.

Meaning:-In the following verse Krishna tells the characteristics of soul in detail to Arjuna so that his fear free from his mind and he ready for the warfare.,where Krishna said that this soul is not affected by any wind,fire and weapon as it is immortal,traditionary and infinite after death the soul enters into new body like we adopt new clothes and leave old clothes from our body and conclude that Arjun that his fear of slay  their relatives was worthless.In scientific proof a film.called "Lucy" in Netflix proves this fact where the girl sense of feeling (consciousness) gets to 100% and she even live alive everywhere in the whole universe in the form of energy and information even after her destruction of body.                                                                         [Continued Para]Even if you think of this(self)as being constantly born and constantly dying,even then,O mighty-armed,you should not grieve.Indeed,death is certain for one who is born,and birth is certain for one who dies.Therefore,over the inevitable,you ought not to grieve.O Bharata!Beings unmanifest in the beginning,manifest in the middle,and unmanifest again in their end.Why then, the grief?

Meaning:-In this verse Krishna proofs a scientific proof with the ultimate psychological truth.Under scientific proof "Any particle can't be produced nor be destroyed but transformed".For Example :-We can't create a particle of sugar nor destroy a particle of salt.Likewise a ice is the transformed form of water either water can't be created and ice can't be destroyed as water transformed into ice after freezing and at room temperature the ice again transform into water again.Under psychological terms "Any emotion can't be created by us nor destroyed it only transformed.For Example:- Anger is nor created by us as it is natural phenomenon and after reveal if anger it changes into happiness thus emotions also change at every single moment but we can't detect it as our weak mind ,brain and ego are strongly works upon us and hides the soul powers which is constant,infinite and present after the death of our body.                                                Adhyay 2[6 of 13]One sees This(Self) as a wonder,another speaks of it as a wonder, another hears of it as a wonder.Even after hearing,none understands it all. O Bharta!This embodied self(dwelling) in the bodies of all is ever indestructible.Therefore,you ought not to grieve for any being at all.                                [Continued Para]Further,having regard to your own duty too,you ought not to waver,for there is nothing higher for a Kshatriya than a righteous war.O Partha!Happy indeed are the Kshatriyas  who are called upon to fight in such a battle,that comes of itself as an open gateway to heaven.Now,if you refuse to fight this righteous war,then ,un abandoning your duty & reputation,you will incur sin.Also, people will account your everlasting infamy.For one honoured , infamy is more than death.All the great warriors will think that out of fear you withdrew from battle.You will be lightly held by them who had thought highly of you.Your enemies, disparaging your strength,will speak many unspeakable words.What can be more painful than this?

Meaning:-To ready Arjuna for the war.Krishna uses the tools of psychology.Fear and greed are directly connected to each other."A fearful person is also more greedy".They are like head and tail of a coin.To get ready a fearful person for sometimes a dose of greed is necessary to make ready for the thing which a person wants.Krishna knows this tool of psychology.Thus,Krishna uses this tool by giving Arjuna the fear of pride stating that if Arjuna refuses this chance of war then people says negative words to him related to his pride and honour as a great warrior he knows for it in the society in that era which is more painful than death & hell.                                                [Continued Para] Getting slain,you will obtain heaven, victorious you will enjoy the earth.Therefore,stand up.O son of Kunti, determined to fight.Treating alike pleasure &pain,gain& loss, victory and defeat,engage yourself in battle.Thus you shall not incur sin.

Meaning:-Krishna is associated "The King of Mind"under psychology and the only one manifestation which is unique and even their deep psychology applicable today in this modern era.To ready Arjuna for the war,and to remove the fear of hell and death.Krishna reveals the magic stick of psychology where they stated that if Arjuna fight the war with no hope of victory or fear of death and defeat,gain or loss or pleasure and pain he will free from the cycle of sin or hell.In simple words.If Arjuna fight in battlefield with zero or neutral mindset thus no negative feeling of ego and sadness or grieve will make him hopeless in any case and he is free from sin and hell even live the life.               Adhyay 2[7 of 13]O Partha!This which has been taught to you,is wisdom concerning Sankhyoga.Now listen to the knowledge of Yoga,by acquiring which,you will discard the bondage of works.Here(in the sphere of Karma Yoga),there is no loss of effort,nor is there any sin involved (of contrary results).Even a little of this righteous law(even a little practice of this Yoga) protects one from the great fear.

Meaning:-To clean the dirt of doubt from the mirror of Arjun mind,Krishna enlightenes about Karmayoga first time in its conversation where Krishna states that a determined or stable mind actions are came under Karmayoga and this form of actions free us from the cycle of birth and death.         [Continued Para]O joy of the Kurus(Arjuna),here( in this Yoga),there is but a single pointed determination,many -branched and endless are thoughts of the irresolute.O Partha!They are the unwise who utter flowery speeches,taking pleasures in the eulogising words of the Vedas,saying,'There is nothing else'.Desire-ridden, having heaven as their goal,they utter flowery words,which leads to new births as the reward of their actions,and prescribe various specific actions,for the attainment of pleasure & prosperity.For,those who are deeply attached to pleasure & prosperity,whose minds are carried away by such flowery words,cannot attain the determinate intellect, concentrated on the Supreme Lord.

Meaning:-Lord Krishna states the significance of Karma in this verse which states that Karmayoga is a determined actions done by an individual without any outside attractive speeches said by some saints in their seminars which prescribe the actions related to heaven, pleasure and prosperity and nothing more and they all who says this words and those who get attracted to this flowery conversations are both unwise and very far away from the determined energy of the almighty.       [Continued Para]O Arjuna!The Vedas deal with three Gunas(attributes).Go beyond these three attributes.Free yourself from the pairs of opposites,and ever remain in the Sattva( goodness).Be unconcerned about the conceptions of acquisition and preservation,and be established in the self.For a knower of Brahman who has realised the self,there is as much profit  from all the Vedas as there is a profit from a reservoir of water in a place where there is flood everywhere.

Meaning:-Krishna gives the third dimension of Karmayoga which lets free from the illusionary facts of the Vedas and became us rational by doing actions with neutral mindset and listen to the inner voice of the soul which is a vast sea as compared to illusionary facts of Vedas which are like  reservoir or small ponds and a individual (Brahman) who do actions with the inner voice of soul do not get attracted towards Vedas. Let us take a practical example .Let us consider that a person who became millionaire like Warren Buffett in India then the amount  of ₹5,000 is like a small reservoir or pond for him as he is filled with the vast sea of millions which is called wealth as compared to a middle class or poor person.                                                                     Adhyay 2[8 of 13]Thy right is to work only and never to its fruits.Let not the fruits of action be thy motive,nor let thy attachment be to inaction.

Meaning:-This is a great psychological truth in terms of work in human mindset by Krishna where Krishna states that actions done by the inner voice of the soul are pure and sin free as they are not done with the clutches of a motive of any attachments or results.In short Krishna wants that Arjuna fight the war with the consent of mind and with the pure voice of the soul which free him with the worthless dilemma,in addition Krishna wants to keep the Arjuna's mind in present situation nor at the past or future calculations.                                                          Adhyay 2[9 of 13]O Dhananjaya!Perform actions (duties), giving up attachment,with equipoise in success and failure & being steadfast in yoga.Evenness of mind is called 'Yoga'.O Dhananjaya!Action(with a selfish motive) is far inferior to the Yoga of wisdom.Seek refuge in wisdom(jnana). Wretched are those who crave for fruit of action.Endowed with wisdom (evenness of mind),one discards in this life both good and evil deeds.Therefore strive to secure this Yoga.Yoga is skill in action.The wise,possessed with the intelligence of evenness, having abandoned  the fruits of their actions,liberated  from the bondage  of birth,attain the status which is free from sufferings.

Meaning:- In the following words of Krishna it is a simple message conveyed that if an individual perform his/her actions (duties)without the calculations of results (fruit) is come under this yoga as it's mind free from the outside happenings (space) and became stable which makes the individual a free will like a bird who fly with the flow of air(free from the clutches of birth and get salvation).                                                               [Continued Para]When you intellect goes beyond the mire of delusion,then you shall attain to indifference towards all that has been heard & all that is to be heard.When your intellect,though confused by the conflicting sections of the Vedas,remains immovable and steady in the Self,then you shall attain self--realisation.

Meaning:-In this para the Krishna tells Arjuna to keep determined with its mind truth and in connection with mind's truth leads him to listen to the voice of soul which is constant and it clears all the statements written in the Vedas which puts Arjuna into confusion and dilemma.In short they simply said Arjuna to follow up his mind truth which at the ends tell the truth which is beyond the written facts mentioned in the Vedas.           Adhyay 2[10 of 13]Arjun said:-O Keshava,what is the description of a person who has steady wisdom&who is established in 'samadhi'?How does that person of steady intellect speak?How does he sit?How does he walk?

Meaning:-The above query of Arjuna shows that he not listen to the Krishna carefully and still under the illusion facts said in the old scriptures.                                  [Continued Para]The Blessed Lord said:-O Partha,when a man completely gives up all the desires of the mind,& is satisfied in the self by the self,then he is said to be the one of steady wisdom.He whose mind is not agitated in sorrow& remains indifferent in joy,who is free from attachment,fear&anger,is called a sage of steady wisdom.He who is without attachment in all conditions,on meeting with anything good or bad,who neither rejoices nor hates,his wisdom is stable.When,like a tortoise which withdraws its limbs from all sides,he completely withdraws his senses from the sense objects,then his wisdom becomes steady.

Meaning:-Under psychology for brain all subjects are different,but for the mind all subjects are same& if we do actions selfless then we get automatically gets everything(as everything happens under this universe is accordance with Newton Law,which states that"Every action has its equal& opposite reaction.For instance if a student gets first in class and gets happy(Action of student)& then another term if he stands third in class he gets annoyed(Sadness is the opposite reaction).Thus be like a child who fails in class and if passed with good grace marks be in the same neutral mindset which shows the steady personality of a failure in child.To continued the above qualities of steady person Lord Krishna uses the metaphor of a tortoise who never seems happy or sad during rain or sumner season and live a lazy and tension free life and under danger or to sleep the tortoise hides its limbs which shows its steady personality.                                                            Adhyay 2[11 of 13]Sense-objects turn away from him,who doesn't enjoy them with his senses,but the taste for them remains.Even this taste disappears when he realises the Supreme.O son of Kunti,the turbulent senses forcibly seize the mind of even a wise man,who perseveres(to control them).Having restrained them(all senses),he should sit integrated,devoted to Me.His wisdom is steady who has brought his senses under control.

Meaning:- In this verse Krishna gets with the flow of spontaneity where they saw all the human beings as souls within themselves where they stated that to get connected with your supreme powers of soul your first duty is to identify your Mind Truth & stable your senses with that truth.Gradually your senses realises the Supreme invisible power of mind & get connected with your soul automatically & you live your life like a stable personality.

[Continued Para]When a man contemplates on objects, attachment for them arises,from attachment desire is born,from desire arises anger.From anger comes delusion,from delusion confusion of memory,from confusion of memory the destruction of intellect,from destruction of intellect,he perishes.

Meaning:-In this verse,Lord Krishna reveals the "Law of Attraction" which states that"It is a law which attracts thoughts,ideas,people, situations & circumstances,where the Mind is the magnetic field of that Attraction,as when it gets attracted towards (objects, scriptures,human beings) with full force it dilutes our sense of thinking as senses get in touch with the force of attraction as such we eagerly wants to know or grab that think like a blind person & if we can't get that thing our mind filled with anger& it perishes us from the previous state of mind.Let us take an example of daily life.Let us assume a man gets attracted towards Mercedes car as such he eagerly wants to buy it,even knows it's financial condition.Here the Law of Attraction works who dilutes his senses& brain from present situation & capability & if he can't able to buy that car he gets angry& depressed who makes him an insensible personality.In short,we have to control our senses not to get attracted towards from the outside world so much that it makes our sense of intelligence a piece of garbage.

Adhyay 2[12 of 13]But the self-controlled man,moving among the objects with the senses under control,and free from attachment&*aversion,attains *tranquility.In tranquility,all sorrows are destroyed,for,the intellect of the tranquil-minded soon becomes steady.

Meaning:-In this verse Krishna says about inner wing(soul) must be in your control& not get attracted from outside subjects or happenings.This is the success mantra.All successful entities develops this great trait& open the doors of stable success&goodwill.Let us take an example of any religion,belief or any thought you have& your senses get attracted to any of them,then it creates an illusion in you& makes you fearful.In this today's scenario we are under two main problems.First is "Rag" means *Attachment or you like something.This "Rag" creates automatically creates "Duvash" means*Aversion(hatred,opposition view) which is the main root of human under problems in life.For Example:-If you like Pantene shampoo for hair,then you automatically hates Clinic Plus,this is a simple mathematics of human psychology.But for a poor both pouches are same& accordance to situation it uses clinic plus under availability of one such pouch at shopkeeper,i.e why poor persons live better life of *tranquility(Peace) as compared to us as for them both are shampoo& uses for hair wash& their senses nor affected from both of them.

[Continued Para]There is no wisdom for an un-integrated mind,nor is there meditation in him.To the un meditative there is no peace.To the peace less,how can be there happiness?

Meaning:-If our internal programme which is immortal gets disturbed,leads to the companionship of wrong people& decisions which leads to ruin our life.It is due because we do not have surely the intellect brain& this makes us emotionless& brain gets diverted time to time with the attraction of outside happenings which is the sign of non-reliability within us.

[Continued Para]The mind that yields to the wandering senses,carries away his discrimination,as the wind carries away a boat on the waters.

Meaning:-We all see that when boat moves in a direction in the sea then the wind diverts its direction as the boat is not a surely intellect personality& the boat surrender itself with the flow of the wind which shows the weak point of the boat.As same the individual who changes its decisions directions from the outside happenings force makes an individual a senseless person.

[Continued Para]Therefore,O mighty-armed,his wisdom is steady  whose senses are completely restrained from sense objects.

Meaning:-Krishna's consciousness at the other level at this verse,where Krishna says that people who nor get affected from the outside happenings& remains same as before are wisdom steady personalities.                                                            Examples of steady wisdom personalities are Jesus Christ,Kalidas,Sant Kabir,Astavakra,Lao Tzu who senses are not affected from outside subjects as they all know that inside is almighty which is invicibile& outside is an illusion which is temporary.

 Adhyay 2[13of13]That which is night to all beings,in that the self-controlled man is awake,& that in which all beings are awake,its night to the sage who perceives.

Meaning:In this verse Krishna gives a laboratory test that which individual is more nearer to the almighty.Individual who thinks a subject as avoidable,for a self-controlled individual that subject is beneficial&for the individual who thinks a subject as important,for a self controlled individual it is useless.Let us take an example a successful individual never gets attracted towards a free scheme as compared to a normal individual.

[Continued Para]A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires-that enter like rivers into the ocean,which is ever being filled but is always still-can alone achieve peace&not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.

Meaning:A stable person is like a sea who never decides about the outside happenings done.Like Lord Krishna,Astavakra&Lao Tzu are the best examples of a stable personalities.On the other hand people who always says No  never gets ultimate peace or became a successful entity.In pure psychology a individual who says "No" to anything proves that he/she is attracted towards that subject,& a no is a sin in pure court of almighty.  

The above Buddha quote is the mantra of internal peace& quality of a stable personality even described above in the Krishna verse.

[Continued Para]A person who has given all desires for sense gratification,who lives free from desires,who has given up all sense of proprietorship&is devoid of false ego- he alone can attain real peace.

Meaning:In this verse Krishna tells the one time mantra&solution to get the internal peace is that he/she must not get affected from outside subjects or happenings like the whole universe stable&makes its mind neutral.In simple words thinks with the flow of mind nor brain as ego,affection are the clutches in salvation &internal peace.

[Continued Para]That is the way of the spiritual&godly life,after attaining which a man is not bewildered.If one is thus situated even at the hour of death,one can enter into the kingdom of God.

Meaning:With the continuation of the solution the Lord Krishna tells the end result happens to the individual.who follow this mantra by became selfless, without ego,compassionate,non-discriminatory gets instant salvation at the end hour if death&becomes immortal&gets into the limitless powers of time&god.

Chapter 3 :KARMAYOGA 

Arjuna Said:- O Janardana,O Kesava,why do you want to engage me in this ghastly warfare,if you think that intelligence is better than fruitive work?[1]

Meaning:In this verse Arjuna simply shows that he was too much feared &wants to leave the battlefield&even nor listening to the Lord Krishna carefully.

My intelligence is bewildered by your equivocal instructions.Therefore please tell me decisively which will be most beneficial for me.[2]

Meaning:In this verse Arjuna tries to hide his fear on the death results of battlefield.Thus, he said that he was attracted towards the flowery knowledgeable words of Lord Krishna& even tells to Arjuna that please give a simple path which is easy& beneficial for me.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said:O sinless,Arjuna,I have already explained that there are two classes of men who try to realize the self.Some are inclined to understand it by empirical,philosophical speculation,& others by devotional service[3].

Meaning:In this verse Krishna reaches to the level of Ultimate Mind where they sees all souls as one soul in their own self by indicating  "I" in it.This verse shows that lord Krishna is the perfect man ever in the philosophical,empirical & spiritual psychologist& spontaneous in conveince Arjuna to ready for the war.

Not by merely abstaining from work can we achieve freedom from reaction,nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection[4].

Meaning: In this verse Lord Krishna states that any individual canot be leave with actions in every part he/she do actions like to live they breathe which is an action.To satisfy hunger he/she eats food& even body internal parts do actions to digest the food.This concept is under in simple words.                                                                    In psychological point of view an action is when begin if it comes from the inner& no other method can be applied.It means if you play football when you like so it is an beginning of your action of playing&if you do playing only with the consent of your friends not from your inner consent that action is not the beginning of your action.Great scholars like Kalidas,Kabir&all singers do actions which are comes from their inner soul.These actions are pure&sinless&other actions which are done with the attraction of others are not perfect actions&are all sins.Thus,individuals who not started their actions are not Sankh yogi&who leave their actions in middle are not wise .  As even in the Mahabharata war Arjuna is also under this concept where he is not under the category of Sankh yogi as he not starts the war&not in the category of wise man as he wants to leave the battlefield in the middle due to fear of the results of the war.

Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature,therefore no one can refrain from doing something,not even from a moment.[5].

Meaning:Nature made everyone in the systematic manner where no one can live without do actions as the whole human community is clutches under to do actions&no one can deny or move out from this chain.As for example if you are tired,the action of sleeping is necessary,if you want to be relaxed thus listening to a favourite song is an mandatory actions.These are daily life examples where we can't noticed due to busy lifestyle.

One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself& is called a pretender.[6].

Meaning:In this verse Lord Krishna tells that who is a liar&who is truthful.A person who uses his senses to reveals his/her mind truth is called wise&truthful& who uses the senses to hide mind truth is a pretender or a fool under pure psychology.Like Yudhistar& Bhishma hide their mind truth under the arguments of a pledge.

On the other hand,if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind&begins KARMYOGA(in Krishna consciousness)without attachment,he is by far superior.[7].

Meaning:This sutra is the Success Mantra for every human being.Krishna's whole life is on truth&honesty.Our senses are output devices for reflecting our Mind software truth programmed by the almighty.Thus,we are not responsible for our thoughts&feelings.

Perform your prescribed duty,for doing so is better than not working.One cannot even maintain one's physical body without work.[8].

Meaning:In this verse Lord Krishna says that do your duties Arjun which is beyond etymology as our soul instructed actions are pure and real etymology of us.Even in Devon ke Dev Mahadev serial Lord Shiva states to Sati father Daksha that listening&identify your soul powers is the real Dharma. 

This world is bound by actions other than those performed for the sake of Yajna(sacrifice).Therefore,for that(Yagna) sake.O son of Kunti,earnestly perform action,free from attachment[9].

Meaning:An individual who does other actions evolved from personal desires make the individual be captive rather than the actions related to humanity well being&prosperity.These Karma or actions are called Yagya here.

The creator in the beginning (of creation)created mankind together with sacrifice said,' By this shall you prosper,let this be the 'kamadhenu' that grants your desires.(10)

Meaning:In this verse Krishna used "Brahma"  word at the most used word at that times.Here "Brahma" means the Creator of this world&universe or energy, The formless energy whatsoever said by mythology,spirituality or Science.The Creator instruct human beings that "Yagya" is the key(actions) is the key from which you do anything for humankind do whatsoever you want with this supreme key of performing actions.

With this (Yagna)you nourish the Devas&may these Devas nourish you,thus nourishing one another,you shall attain the supreme good.(11)

Meaning: The almighty who is the creator of this universe do the action of creation.Thus,everything in this universe tagged under the circle of Actions .As same all the elements(water,air,fire,earth&sky).do actions together for balancing the nature.As same human beings have the tool of doing actions for their welfare of humanity&compassion.

The Devas,nourished by Yagna(sacrifice)will give you the desired objects.He who enjoys what is given by the Devas,without offering(in return)to them,is verily a theif.(12)

Meaning: In this verse,Devta means those people who serves the society with selfless love&compassion.Here ,Thomas Edision,Charlie Chaplin,Lata Mangeshkar are "Devtas" as they serve the society without any royalties in return.We have the duty of gratitude(thanks) to all of them in return,if we can't give anything to them in return.This purifies our mind&soul to the universal esteem energy.And the person who doesn't have this feeling of gratitude is a their in the courtyard of almighty.



The righteous,who eats the remnants of Yagna are released from all sins,but those sinful ones,who cook food(only)for their own sake,they verily eat sin(13)

Meaning:Great personalities who eats limited from the actions which are connected with the welfare of society&humanity became pure&free from the cycle of sins.On the other hand,whose actions consciousness are limited to its self service&family earns sin,&eat sinful Food.

From food beings are born,from rain food is produced,from Yagna(sacrifice) comes rain&Yagna is born of action.Know that,action comes from Brahma(the Veda)&the Vedas comes from the imperishable.Therefore,the all-prevading  Veda is eternally rooted in Yajna(sacrificial work)[14-15].

Meaning:In this verse,human beings are interconnected like a necklace with diamonds where everyone is completed with togetherness.For Example without rag picker there is trash everywhere,without delievery man there is no transportation.Here this connection is shown spiritually where human beings are born from rain food is produced from Actions.The Vedic Gyan emerged from the evolution of universe through almighty.This shows that the God's particle or seed of God is present everywhere from thought to action.

O son of Partha!He who does not follow here(in this world)the wheel thus revolving living in a sin&rejoicing the senses,he lives in vain.!(16)

Meaning:In this verse,the lord Krishna stated that this is the defined universal law wheel&an individual who does not follow this wheel lives&die a sinful life&be a vain for the humanity&earth.

But the man who rejoices only in the Self,who is satisfied with the Self,who is content in the self alone,activities do not exist for him(17)

Meaning:The individual who follows the instructions comes out from its inner wing(soul),being satisfy in the soul&there is no clutches in his actions&activities.

For him in this world,there is no gain whatsoever in the performance of an action or its non-performance.Nor has he to depend on any beings for anything.(18)

Meaning:Further,moving the above verse.Lord Krishna stated that these individuals(follower of inner wing) are self-independent,a non-performers&a free will like a bird&indifferent from normal people&their grace shown from their actions&behaviour.

Therefore, always perform efficiently the action which should be done without attachment,for,by performing action without attachment,man attain the Supreme.(19)

Meaning:In this verse Lord Krishna states that perform your duties or actions without any result orientation,attachment or any peer pressure as you get clutched under the actions you do&it stops your mum flow of actions.As it will centerd those  your mind to the Supreme power of universe& you freely from any sins.

Janaka&others attained perfection verify through action alone.Even with a view of benefitting the welfare of the world,you should perform action.(20)

Meaning:Lord Krishna in the full Bhagavad Gita said Janak as a wise man& highlighted them in their conversation with loksangrah(unity of the world).as earlier they used yagya ka nimat(accordance to Karma yagya) in the beginning as a metaphor.As they stated here if we in society,stare or country&world we along with Krishna itself(if they alive) has to perform actions as it is the mandatory duty assigned by almighty itself.

Whatever a great man does,that the other man also do,whatever he set up as the standard, that the world follows.(21)

Meaning:In this verse Krishna Consciousness reaches to that extent where they sees all human beings souls into the divine almighty united souls and they gives knowledge to those wise men (who experience almighty in their self consciousness) as they did those actions accordance to the era, as normal people or those people who treat that wise men as their life mentor or role model will follow up them as same they did hen they are alive.For Example,in a family small children are future followers of their elders.Thus, elders has the prior duty to set an example as such  by become a friend since his/her childhood, let them free like a free will bird by not imposing your thoughts as time always changing with each moment we live within.

O Partha, For Me,there is nothing in the three worlds,that has to be done, nor is there anything un-attained,that should be attained by Me,still,I am engaged in action.(22)

Meaning: In this verse, Krishna said to Arjuna that you asked me that as compared to Karamyoga , Gyanyoga is more suitable, then give me gyan but not let me to be in action of fight for the war, so listen Arjuna if you attain knowledge then the action of listening is also there.Thus, everything happens here with the tool of performing action.And I know this universal fact thus I always be in action for the sake of present and future humanity.

Because,should I not ever engage Myself in action,without being lazy,O Partha,people would in every way follow my path.(23)

Meaning; This verse shows that Krishna consciousness is futuristic and knows human mind very well.Thus, they said to Arjuna that even with well  equipped personality as the King of Dwarka, Krishna engaged himself in performing actions without procrastination as they know their followers in future follow them as a role model or mentor which sets an example within motivation for next future generations and so on.

If I did not perform action, these worlds would perish,I would be the creator of confusion,&would destroy these beings.(24)

Meaning:Lord Krishna is a simple man like us, but their consciousness makes them indifferent,unique and a personality of zero error in n this addition with Astavakra who gives knowledge to Sita's father named Janak. In this verse Lord Krishna state that if he thinks to get renunciation after  achieving as a mentor then it will destroy humanity as my followers follows my ideology and actions done by me.

O Bharata!Just as the ignorant act with attachment to action,so should the wise act,without attachment wishing the welfare of the world.(25)

Meaning: In this verse Lord Krishna state that or alert wise men that they must keep the care of  human mind and their lifestyle which turns with the flow of time, so they perform actions with enjoying the resources available with the era they live in& with no attachment and with the motive to serve humanity.

Let not the wise man create discord in the understanding of ignorant people who are attached to actions.Performing them are perfectly with devotion,himself ,let him inspire them(also)to do so.(26)

Meaning:In ion this verse Lord Krishna sent a request appeal to the wise man that they must did their actions carefully and accordance to the era, as their grace will become the inspiration for all their followers which transfers to generation to generations in different future era.Great people like Warren Buffet ,  Robert Kiyosaki are the best examples here who do actions with their will and also enjoys the modern era and also do selfless actions for the welfare of humankind.

Robert Kiyosaki(Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Warren Buffet-Stock Market

The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of the activites that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.(27)

Meaning:Krishna said here the incredible fact here and englightens the biggest mystery curtain of our life that in this whole universe we can understand everything from earth's gravity,motion,twinkling of stars etc.But it is very difficult to understand human beings.Thus,through this verse Krishna enlighten humanity along with wise man that we must look after to the nature law and the nature law towards the mindset working of each human being by uplifting our sense of intelligence .
       In actual everybody has its own psychology from non-living to animals and human beings and everyone is binded with its psychology.
   For Example:A person is very agressive and straight forward.Thus,it is his/her own psychology which cannot be changed by your saying.Thus, accept him/her in its own psychology.If we look after to the nature we cannot says to a rose flower to be evolved like lotus,as rose has its own psychology and vice-versa.

One who is in knowledge of the Absolute Truth,O mighty armed,does not engage himself in the senses&sense gratification,knowing well the differences between work in devotion&work in for fruitive results.(28).

Meaning:In this verse Krishna warns us that we must be in awakening that everyone has its own psychology.For example If a person has a psychology of being a Muslim than Namaaz and Rooza are it's ultimate outcomes of being a Muslim and this turns upto every religion(nor targeting anyone).Thus,everything here is automatic from hearing,saying,sense of feelings,thoughts&old conditioning which is uncontrollable.

 Bewildered by the modes of material nature,the ignorant full engage themselves in material activites&become attached.But the wise should not unsettle them,although these duties are inferior due to performers'lack of knowledge.(29)

Meaning:Krishna said here and accept that unwise man cannot understand this fact,but wise man should understood that he/she not playing with unwise inbuilt psychology inheritance within .In short be like Kabir who does not emphasize anyone in his dohas to do this or that thing& let free everyone with their inbuilt psychology like almighty.

Therefore.O Arjuna,surrending all your works into Me,with full knowledge of Me,without desires for profit,with no claims to proprietorship,&free from lethargy,fight.(30)

Meaning:Krishna said Arjuna here that do not forced me to change the action here,only said to him that let not be blame himself for the war at present and be fight the war with neutral mindset by surrending all the worries and outcomes to his own soul grace which is the sole part of almighty.

Those persons who execute their duties according to my injunctions&who follows this teaching faithfully,without envy become free from the bondage of fruitive actions(31)

Meaning:Krishna said that he reveals the science of time here and let be yourself like a free bird by nor targeting yourself for the deor of your actions as all actions done by your psychology which is the part of almighty soul lies in your within.Ashatvakra also gives this nectar of knowledge to Janak(Sita's father) for instant salvation.

Ashtavakra gita 
But those who,out of envy,disregard these teachings&do not follow them regularly are to be considered bereft of all knowledge,be fooled,&ruined in their endeavours for perfection.(32)

Meaning:Krishna said that everyone has its own psychology thus you do not have to change your behaviour you have just accept the truth of your psychology and let them acceptance that who you are is the ultimate formation of nature and almighty and who does not accept this ultimate truth always be in the clutches of guilt,bonded&fooled by others easily.
              In short we are all the actors of the almighty film and we have to perform our roles with blind faith in our almighty directors which an English poet says in his poem of Seven Stages of Life named Willam Shakespeare,where we act a role from toddler to old stage of our life and died.

Willam Shakespeare 
Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature,for everyone follows the nature he has  acquired from the three modes.What can repression accomplish.[33].

Meaning: Nature is non-discrimination ideology, the principles of nature are same as with gravity to living creatures including humanity.Each human has its own psychology and he/she is binded with it including wise personality like Krishna,Jesus Christ etc, thus there is no subject of being egoistic in the sense of superior knowledge and wealth.It is the game plan of time and space itself.

There are principles to regulate attachment and aversion pertaining to the senses and their objects.One should not come under the control of such attachment&aversion because they are stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization.[34].

Meaning:"Attachment" means involvement this is also called as MOH in pure psychology.Let us take an example that a child has its favorite toy which is broke,thus when he cried, this shows the involvement of child emotions with the toy. 
Infant involve with favourite toy

Just as same the employees have attachment with the organisation for promotion and appraisal.On the other hand, the boss has attachment of being have great graphs of profits for whomsoever he/she conduct board meetings.Moreover parents upbringing of their child is that they become the stick of their old age time or become the useful asset for the society,This all are the live examples of attachment which arose expectations and expectations always bluffs our faith.Thus,neutral mindset is the key to salvation,happiness and success& it is also called as simplicity in simple terminology.                                                                                 "Aversion" means a principle based oath emerged from brain calculations or society and family based etymology and believes which under universe cosmic energy has zero value as we know that energy is not constant and always changing and even nor created or destroyed which is even proved scientifically.These all emerge us as egoism. Bhishma pitamaha oath is the example of aversion and these makes us dull and limited with the vast grace of cosmic energy.       
Bhishma pitamaha
It is far better to discharge one's prescribed duties,even though family,than another's duties perfectly.Destruction in the course of performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's duties,for to follow another's path is dangerous.[35].
Meaning:Krishna stated here that actions which are crucial has to be done .Be with your mind truth rather than follow other mind truth and do not actions with the influence of outside space as they keep you far away from your mind truth.

Arjuna said: O descendant of Vrsni,by what is one impelled to sinful acts,even unwillingly as if engaged by force?[36].

Meaning:This questionnaire  of Arjuna shows that he wants to leave the battlefield at any cost and he asked an excused and a question to confuse Krishna under its psychology.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only,Arjuna which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath& which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.[37]. 

Meaning: Rajuguna means habit to think about only self being and leave behind the society and this thinking process born aspirations which are unlimited and makes an individual into restlessness mode.Imn addition the person attitude becomes angry and Lord Krishna also clears Arjuna that your previous question is born with aspiration not thre willingness to gain the unlimited knowledge given by me to you.

The above stated meaning is related to Rajuguna and this makes an individual life hell and self-confined he/she gets clutches like a spider who makes its web for own living and get stuck and later get died.As samae the individual get clutched with its own aspirations and died layer in futile as he/she not becomes the useful asset for the society and forget the right pathway of instant salvation.
As fire is covered by smoke,as a mirror is covered by dust,or as the embryo is covered by the womb,the living entity is similarly covered by different degrees of this lust.[38].

Meaning: Krishna stated that when an individual mind is gets dirty with the selfishness thinking so the supreme and clear cut knowledge of salvation gets hide from the will of the mind,just as same the mirror reflection gets opaque due to dust and the fire gets hide due to its smoke as same the pure knowledge of almighty gets hidden with the aspirations conditioned units brain and mind which happens when the individual not follow his own mind truth and follow the knowledge comes from the outside space which is useless like a garbage.

Thus,the wise living entity's pure consciousness becomes covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust,which is never satisfied&which burns like fire.[39].

Meaning:Inner wing intelligence or soul voice gets covered when we became filled our mind with lots of aspirations as these make us lusty aggressive and selfish and ruin our life like a fire does.

 The senses,the mind&the intelligence are the sitting places of this lust.Through them lust covers the real knowledge of the living entity and bewildered him[40].

Meaning:The lust lies in the senses,the mind&the intelligence and all of them have their own wishes and they have diffrent actions for it,but as per reality these all are useless as the real magic is inside the soul,thus stop thinking from brain and follow up your inner intelligence.

Therefore,O Arjuna,best of the Bharatas in the very beginning curb this great symbol of sin(lust)by regulating the senses,&slay this destroyer of knowledge&self-realization.[41].

Meaning:Lord Krishna stated that to be happy forever destroy the fire of lust(selfishness) and be like the river who flows for everyone with no discrimination.

The working senses are superior to dull matter,mind is higher than the senses,intelligence is still higher than the mind,and he(the soul)is even higher than the intelligence.[42].

Meaning:In this verse Lord Krishna stated the chronological order where they said that senses(eyes,nose,ears,skin&tongue) is higher than the matter we see or feel as they are experience tools of that matter.As above the senses the intelligence of us who tells us what is right and wrong is superior to the mind and the ultimate regulator of mind,senses and intelligence is the soul which is the part of the universe or almighty from whom all these are movable within us.
   Let us take an example of computer where the hardware(senses) are superior of the word computer,then the software(mind) within the computer is higher than the hardware(senses),then the hard disk(intelligence)is superior to the software and last but not the least the main electricity(soul) is the regulator of all these things.

Electricity(soul of appliances)
Computer picture.

Thus,knowing oneself to be transcendental to the material senses,mind&intelligence,O mighty-armed Arjuna,one should steady the mind by deliberate-spiritual intelligence(Krishna consciousness)&thus by spiritual strength-conquer this insatiable enemy known as lust.[43].

Meaning: Accordance to my personal experience "Spirituality is the essence or soul of mythology".In simple words it is  the practical knowledge of the mythology books we read from around the globe.Andthis spirituality makes us to think practical& go beyond our comfort zone.In short it makes us limitless and allows our mind,soul and senses to think neutral and vast like the universe does for all.
                                                                           Chapter 4                                                            

                                                                           RENUNICATION THROUGH KNOWLEDGE

ADHYAY 4[Verse no 1]The blessed Lord said,This yoga I did first impart to the Sun God so long ago.He passed it on the Manu,then to the Ikshyaka did it descend.

Meaning:Lord Krishna shows here its supreme consciousness intellegence where to pay attention towards the divine knowledge of this universe Lord Krishna said these verse to Arjuna,but in reality check they not said any knowledge to Sun lord as they are as same as we human beings.As we know that if somebody listens to us we give an higher identity check up example  to draw our attention to the listener at serious mode

[VERSE 2]Through these teachers,this lineage the royal sages came to know.But after many eras passed it appeared lost O Arjuna.

Meaning: This is the continued weapon of psychology used by Lord Krishna to make Arjuna fear dissolve and make up his mind to fight for the war.

[VERSE 3]Since you are my devoted friend.Today I shall declare to you this ancient wisdom,yogic truth,the greatest secret of them all.

Meaning:This is the end tool used by Lord Krishna as to make ready Arjuna for the war in a good mindset nor with fear by feeling Arjuna to be the well wisher friend of him.

[VERSE4] ARJUNA SAID:- But your birth here upon this land came later than the Sun's first dawn.How then am I to understand that you taught at very start?

Meaning:Arjuna is very intellegent and he asks diplomatic question ever that how it can be possible as Lord Krishna was currently the son of Deviki and Yashoda in present time as he wants to love in listening lord Krishna and free to fight in the war of battlefield.

[VERSE 5]THE BLESSED LORD SAID:Many births I have had before,As you have too,O Arjuna each of my births,I know quite well,but of your births you do not know.

Meaning:Thus, to convince Arjuna Lord Krishna said this verse to Arjuna for the previous fact and accordance to psychology this verse is supreme as Lord Krishna sees all humanity with its own soul consciousness as one and united including Arjuna and battlefield itself.In short, Lord Krishna learns from each incident and character he sees in his current life and stories including his friends,relatives and foe.

[Verse 6]Although I am unborn&my transcendental body never deteriorates&although I am the Lord of all living entities,I still appear in every millennium in my original transcendental form.

Meaning: The Lord Krishna verse said is a psychological  fact and filled with truth do not see my presence  with body as I am eternal and above the body dimension .Free yourself from outside knowledge  and follow your inner soul voice.

[Verse 7]Whenever&wherever there is a decline in religious pratice,O descendant of Bharata&a predominant rise of irreligion-at that time I descend Myself.

Meaning: Decline in Religion means loss to yourself with humanity.Whenever this scenario happens i come into my existence.For instance, for in the welfare of 20 people in a group you put a voice to save them this is called "Sarva" including self.
[Verse 8]To deliever the pious&to annihilate the miscreants,as well as to re-establish the principles of religion,I myself appear,millennium  after  millennium.     

Meaning: Whenever who enlighten  his/her inside voice and do works for humanity including  any invention for humanity any song sung by any person to relax the  minds of humanity  is the form of Lord Krishna.      

[Verse 9]One who knows  the transcendental nature of My appearance &activities  does not,upon  leaving the body,take his birth again in this material world,but attains my eternal abode,O Arjuna.

Meaning: Krishna goes inside the   superconscious&ultimate  mind which is supreme&ultimate.The deeds done by this mind is real not a duplicate  one.For instance Doha said by Kabirdas are one and only or unbeatable. No other person can write this doha as wrote by Kabirdas.

[Verse 10]Being feed from attachment,fear&anger,being full absorbed in Me,many,many persons in the past became purified by knowledge  of Me& thus they are attained transcendental  love for me.

Meaning: Lord Krishna that those  people who get acknowledged  with their souls  and filled with uniqueness was get salvation in me(satisfaction from inner).

[Verse 11]As all surrender  into  Me,I reward them accordingly. Everyone  follows my path  in all respects,O son of Partha.

Meaning: Lord Krishna says this verse from their own consciousness where they said that universe  and he himself gives rewards accordance  to person thinking and deeds without any discrimination.Aperson who doing actions for the welfare  of society  gets fruit accordance  to that and who doesn't  gets  fruit accordance to  that action. 
  [Verse 12]Men in this world desiresuccess in fruitive activites and therefore they worship the demigods.Quickly of course,men gets results from fruititive work in this world.

Meaning:In this verse Krishnasaid that those persons who are willingness in the results of their actions or deeds are very poor in nature as they worshiped demigods as they have hope in their mind.Astik is a person who believes in himself and he knows that he has suffer for his actions.And naatik isaperson who doesn't have belief in himself and rely on other beliefs and those persons instantly blow up their own self confidience and became  hopeless.                   

[Verse 13]According  to the three modes of material nature&the work associated with them,the four divisions of human society are created by me and although I am the creator of this system,you should know that I am yet non doer,being unchangable.

Meaning:Those people who are not indulge in the fruit of the actions not worshiped  demigods.I divided those people according  to their chacter and deeds into 4 cateogaries not from where they get born.

[Verse 14]There is no work that affects Me,nor do I aspire for the fruits of action.One who understands this truth about Me also does not became entangled in the fruititive  reactions of work.

Meaning: A person who follows its inner voice passion not get entangled with outer space and get liberal from the outcomes of action.

[Verse 15]All the liberated souls in ancient times acted with this understanding  of My transcendental nature.Therefore you should perform your  duty,following in their footsteps.

Meaning:Lord krishna said that all earlier successful people follow this philosophy so thus you alsodid the same and be liberal.

[Verse 16]Even the intelligent are bewidered in determing what is action&what is inaction.Now I shall explain to you what action is.Knowing  which you shall be liberated  from all misfortune.

Meaning: Lord Krishna stated that majority of intellectual  people also get confused  in this concept thus I shall explain you the whole scenario about it.

[Verse 17]The intricacies of action are very hard to understand.Therefore one should know properly  what action is,what forbidden action&what inaction is.

Meaning:Lord Krishna stated that  it is very difficult to understand  the concept of karma.




[Verse 18]One who sees inaction in action&action in inaction is intellegent among men&he is in the transcendental position,although engaged in all sorts of activities. 

Meaning:Inaction means a action done with the consent of body& in this verse the journey of Thomas Edision of invention of light bulb is all in the inaction form or Mr.Amitabh Bachchan does various roles in Bollywood till now at the age of 73 is all done in Akaram(Inaction) form.And the person who identifies this difference is more intellectual. 


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