11 Unbelievable facts about these countries

11 Unbelievable facts about these Countries


A country is known for its wealth, population,laws , government policies,religion and diversity and many other factors which everyone knows,here the today countries encounters with some amazing weird facts which also astonished me when I read it up and this encourage me to made a written journal in front of all my readers.Moreover this facts also distinguish these countries from all other countries all the world.Let take a glance:-


Nauru has the unhealthiest population in the world.95% OF PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY ARE OVERWEIGHT.Its obesity epidemic is mainly attributed to the importation of Western Fast Food that coincided WITH AN IMPROVED STANDARAD OF LIVING IN THE 20TH CENTURY DUE TO GLOBAL POPULARITY OF ITS PHOSPHATE EXPORTS.

The Population of Falkland island is little less than 3,000 people.But it has least half a million of sheep.So it makes it around 350 sheep for every person in the island.Not surprisingly it is a major exporter of wool.

Canada has most amount of Lakes for any country in the world.It actually has over 3million lakes.9% of its territory is actually fresh water & 60% of the lakes in the world are actually found in Canada.

4)Land With No Rivers- Saudi Arabia 
Yes,it quite be weird,but it is true,Saudi Arabia has no rivers whatsoever!For a country as big as Saudi Arabia there has to be at least some sort of flowing water.Well,there isn't to be honest!So how do they get their fresh water?It comes from desalination plants or underground reservoirs.This shows that problem is not big if people together solve it and another lesson is that we preserve water as free items from nature like water,wind,energy are precious and a soul part of our living.

One of the most important slogans you'll hear in India"Unity in diversity."No doubt it is possibly the most diverse nation in the world.Culturally, Economically, Climatically,racially, linguistically,ethnicically & religiously.India is more diverse than any other country.Even in terms of food,it is extremely diverse.Every state has its own unique preparations.

Yes,Malta is a country with most of its citizens living Abroad.This European country suffered with rough economy for few years.The situation became so bad the most of the people decided to shift base.

7)Country Mostly Covered with Forest-Suriname 
This South American nation is almost entirely covered by forest.With 91%of its land covered in jungle.Suriname's,half-a million residents live primarily along the coast near the capital.Only counted few live in the inland of this country.

8)Largest Country With No Farms-Singapore 

There are extremely small nations with no hint of Agricultural Economy but a country of the size of Singapore is expected to have few farms.But almost this entire country is urban with no dependency on agriculture whatsoever.Singapore is the largest country in the world to have no farms.

9)Most Literate People-Canada 
Canada holds the record of having most literate people in the world.With 50%of its population educated at the post secondary level,it seems quite unlikely that any other country will pass Canada in this.It is followed by Israel at 45% and Japan at 44%.This country tops the list as the most Educated in the world,with 56.27% of adults having earned some kind of higher education.

10)Least Peaceful Nation in the World-Somalia 
Here we not intentionally disclosure any nation matter we just share the world graph popularity of different countries,thus viewers be generous.Somalia is almost regularly in news but no for a good reason.Although Iraq was the country to hold his title for two consecutive years ,but Somalia is distinct as regular riots happens here due to political instability,civil wars, corruption.

11)Most people Behind the Bars-USA(United States of America) 
Most people Behind the Bars-USA

In accordance with US data crime report of June 2020,the United States had the highest number of incarcerated individuals worldwide,with more than 2.12 million people in prison.The US followed by China,as China comes in second place with 1.5 million people and Russia stands third place with 870,000 people behind the bars.


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