Lessons from the movie Lucy

 Lessons from the movie Lucy


Lucy gains extraordinary physical and mental capabilities after the effects of a performance-enhancing drug set in, soon she evolves into a warrior bent on destroying them who held her captive.


1) Don't get in with the wrong crowd:-Of course its easy for the viewer to get a bad vibe from Lucy's boyfriend within the first few minutes,but Lucy is overwhelmed with his accent, fortune and drug-dealing? If Lucy hadn't been with him she never would've gotten into this whole mess.

2)Share your knowledge:-Some of us like to internalize things(me) and we don't like to express our ideas or opinions may'be we're comfortable sharing our true feelings through writing,but it's really hard for us to share things we aren't certain are correct, because we don't want someone telling us that we're wrong.Lucy has taught me that it's incredibly important to share each gift that we've been given,to go deeper into our brains and find out what we're capable of doing.

3)Initial circumstances do not determine your outcome:-Within the first few minutes of the film,from where she was kidnapped,I thought she would be killed immediately.To my surprise,she stayed alive through all the drug surgeries and beatings.Throughout the movie ,I was scared for his safety(even though she wasn't) because I thought the drugs would killed her.And if not the drugs then someone would.Turns out I was completely wrong she isn't technically killed at all,yet she somehow disperses all over the place"I am everywhere"(Um,hello?Could we have some explanation?).

4) People don't always notice when something is wrong:- When Lucy  is on the phone with her mom(in the middle of surgery might I add),her mom states nothing of Lucy's well being except for her concerns about partying too much.It seems obvious that Lucy is on some kind of drug, seeing as how she's remembering back to her very own birth,but her mom fails to see this.This is true in life,a lot of times we think our problems are obvious to the world and we don't understand why the world isn't helping us or asking us what's wrong,but they don't blatantly see your problems like we do.Sometimes we have to ask for help.

5) People forget what it's like to be a human:-Lucy said it clear as day."I don't feel pain.Fear.Desire.It's like all things that make us human are fading away.It's like the less human I feel...all this knowledge about everything,quantam physics,applied mathematics,the infinite capacity of a cell's nucleus.They're all exploding inside my brain,all this knowledge.I don't know what to do with it".The more knowledge that we acquire,the more likely we are to forget what makes us human in the first place.Look at the math geniuses-they forget how to  interact with other humans sometimes and they forget all the things that makes us human .As Lucy  made clear by kissing the cop,we need to have little reminders to show ourselves that we are human and that feeling emotions are an incredibly natural and important part of life.


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