7 Perspectives of Psychology

7Perspectives of Psychology


What is perspective?An approach is a perspective (i.e view)that involves certain assumptions (i.e beliefs) about human behaviour:- the way they function which aspects of them are worthy of study& what research methods are appropriate for undertaking this study.We may study several different theories within an approach,but they all share these common assumptions.Different approaches to the same topic.Every topic in psychology can be looked at in a number of ways.For example let's consider the subject of Emotions.Emotions have 3 perspectives 1) Biological perspective 2)Behavioral perspective 3)Cross-Culture perspective.

      There are 7 major perspectives in psychology which are as follows:-

1) Psychodynamics perspective                       2)Behavioral perspective.                                3) Cognitive perspective.                                   4) Biological Perspective.                                   5) Cross-Culture perspective.                          6) Evolution perspective.                                   7) Humanistic perspective.                                                                                                                 1) Psychodynamics perspective:-This view of psychology and human behaviour emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind,early childhood experiences and interpersonal relationships to explain human behaviour,as well as to treat mental illnesses.

2)Behavioural perspective:-This perspective differs from other perspectives because it focuses solely on observable behaviours rather than on emphasizing internal states.

3) Cognitive perspective:-A new perspective known as Cognitive perspective of psychology focuses on mental processes like memory, thinking, problem-solving & decision-making.

4) Biological Perspective:-The study of physiology played a major role in the development of psychology as a separate science.Today,the perspective is known as Biological psychology (also called biopsychology or physiological psychology).The point of view emphasizes the physical & biological bases of behaviour.

5)Cross-Cultural Perspective:-In this perspective look at human behaviour & psychological aspects across different cultures.There are 2 types of cultures:-

1)Individualism:-This culture focuses on the single or individual culture perspective of psychology.

2)Collectivism:-This perspective focuses on the group cultural perspective of psychology.

6) Evolutionary Perspective:-The evolutionary perspective suggests that mental processes exist because they serve an evolutionary purpose- meaning that they aid in human survival & reproduction.Natural Selection Theory by Darwin.

7) Humanistic perspective:-The humanistic perspective emphasizes the role of motivation in thought and behaviour.Concepts such as self-actualization are essential.


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