मन "एंबकीय सहज ज्ञान युक्त डिवाइस" के लिए स्थायी, प्रकृति के प्राकृतिक पर पापों से मुक्त और घटना के साथ काम करता है।
यह पेट में और दिमाग से अलग है। , यों यक _ संस्थान है
दिमाग़ के हिसाब से यह काम करता है और दिमाग़ को ठीक रखता है।
विशेष रूप से दिमाग से संबंधित होने के लिए अधिक विश्वसनीय और लाभप्रद हैं।
मनोवैज्ञानिक रूप से क्रियान्वित करने के लिए 7 I
1) चेतन मन :- वह मन जो वास्तविक जीवन में किसी भी चीज की ओर जल्दी ही आकर्षित हो जाता है। यह एक ऐसा मन है जो एक हिरण या खरगोश की तरह होता है जो किसी भी तथ्य या घटना पर दौड़ता है जो हमारे आसपास होता है। इसे हिंदी और शुद्ध हिंदू धर्म मनोवैज्ञानिक पुस्तकों में "साचत मान" भी कहा जाता है । "सिगमंड फ्रायड के व्यक्तित्व के मनोविश्लेषणात्मक सिद्धांत के अनुसार, चेतन मन में हमारी जागरूकता के अंदर सब कुछ शामिल है। इसमें संवेदना, धारणा, यादें, भावना जैसी चीजें शामिल हैं। हमारी वर्तमान जागरूकता के अंदर की कल्पनाएँ।चेतन मन की शक्ति की जाँच करने के लिए, आइए हम हिमखंड की छवि का उदाहरण लें, जिसे हम आँखों से देखते हैं, आँखों से हम हिमखंड के शीर्ष को देखते हैं, लेकिन चेतन मन हिमशैल की नोक को अपनी बोध की छवि में देखता है। "भगवद गीता में, इस मन को भगवान कृष्ण द्वारा महत्वपूर्ण मन कहा जाता है, जिसे प्रतिदिन स्वच्छ होने की आवश्यकता होती है और प्रतिदिन सर्वशक्तिमान के ध्यान में होना चाहिए, इसी तरह हमारे शरीर को प्रतिदिन स्नान से साफ करने की आवश्यकता होती है।"
On the other hand,in the book of "Secret"(By Rhonda Byrne)this mind is a treasurer of magical power of attracting everything towards us(either it is a thought,money,happiness,prosperity,wealth etc).Likewise a dumb person only understands sign language,this mind only understands the visualise image created by us and it sends this images to the universe as a messanger and universe works immediate upon the images send by us with zero error with no discrimination.
Great Chinese philosopher "Lao Tzu regards this mind as a leaf which moves left& right with the instructions of nature and at the end settle down with full of great ideas of stable creation& success.Thus ,we leave our mind free like a infant does after birth".To better understand Lao Tzu Sutras please visit to the Lao Tzu Sutras by Deep Trivedi on my blogger.
2)UNCONSCIOUS MIND:-It is a mind which stores negative thoughts or incidents happens in one's life.Feelings like anxiety,loneliness,ego,jealousy etc are stored in this mind.It is also called as "Baysud Dimag".or Sleepy Mind" in Hindu mythology and language.
In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality the unconscious mind is defined as a "reservoir of feelings,thoughts,urges& memories that outside of conscious awareness.Let us take an example of this unconscious mind,like a teenager has anger at one's mother,memories of childhood abuse& hatred of a family member might be repressed in the unconscious. To get rid from this negative storage capacity or virus.Yoga,excercise,meditation,reading motivational books pr listen to motivational speakers acts as antivirus for the virus stored in this mind. In "Bhagvad Gita",Lord Krishna gives a simple solution to free this mind from negative thoughts is to live in present, nor in past or future and believes to the immortal energy of soul and time wheel.
A book named "The User Illusion by Tor Norretrander(1998),a Danish author reveals the fact that "Our conscious mind deals with a vastly limited subset of the information coming through our senses-16 bits per second(conscious) compared to 11m bits(unconscious) despite the powerful illusion that we are aware of everything that is going on around us.
Another book which gives the outline working mechanism of Unconscious Mind is "How your Unconscious mind Rules Your behaviour(by Leonard Mlodinow).This book gives us a startling& eye opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world& how,for instance we often misperceived our relationships with family,friends,and business associates,misunderstand the reasons for our investment decisions and misremember important events.
3)SUBCONSCIOUS MIND:-It is a mind which stores emotions like love,compassion,leadership qualities etc.Your subconscious mind causes you to feel emotionally&physically uncomfortable whenever you attempt to do anything new or different.It goes against changing any of your established patterns of behaviour.You can feel your subconscious pulling you back toward your comfort zone each time you try something new.It is a data bank for everything which stores your beliefs,your previous experience,your memories,your skills.Everytime when you have the past,this is the subconscious mind communicating to your conscious mind. In Hindi language it is called as "Avchaytan Maan"& under Hinduism Lord Brahma represents the subconscious& conscious mind.Carl Jung described the subconscious as the source of " evil& the highest good."
Dr.Carl Jung
*Carl Gustav Jung,was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology.Jung's work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry,anthropology,archaeology,literature,philosophy,psychology& religious studies.He was born in Switzerland(Kesswil) on 26th July 1875& died in Kusnacht(Switzerland). A book named "The Power of Subconscious Mind(By Joseph Murphy)gives 13 ways to start training our Subconscious Mind which are as follows:-.
1)Be willing to see the unchangeable change:-In this first step the incident of Arjuna's fear before the commencement of Mahabharat a war strikes in my mind where he orders Lord Krishna to see the members who fought against him in the war to check whether he is capable to fight against them or to check the possibility of victory in the war.Here in this the following concept is discussed here where the willingness of acceptance new things is good but before measuring your capability to deeply acceptance of the change through mind,body and soul is mandatory. As without calculation of this we can't achieve anything. 2)Give yourself permission to be successful:- Our mind is the chip of our computer(soul programming)which attracts anything as a magnet and attracts everything(either it is good or bad)or it is like a camera which takes instant pictures of our visualised emotions& directly passes on the universe& universe works upon the pictures send by us without any discrimination.
In accordance to secret book this magic is described as "You are like a human transmission tower,transmitting a frequency with your thoughts.If you want to change anything in your life change the frequency by changing your thoughts."
3)Don't allow others people's fear to cast shadows of doubt:-Fear& doubt are the head&tail of each other.In other words."Doubt is the soul of fear as it creates an illusion of dependency on others for our own decisions.This dependeancy weakness is used by others as a tool against us & they misguided us by suggesting various paths. A famous line of "MADHUSHALA" gives a clear light on the above fact in the line as "Madira laye pinay ko ghar say,chalta hai pinay wala,kis path say jao,asmanjas may hain bhola bhala,alag-alag path batlatay sab,par may yaah batlata hoon,raah pakad tu ek chala chal paa jayega Madhushala".
"For better understand this line visit to my instragram account name@vinaygupta3677.Please follow,like,share&comment on my page & be generous." In addition, this learning is also given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna i.e "
Jai Shri Krishna.
Another Example of this fact is Lord Jesus who give divine knowledge of Christianity(Pure form of almighty) without the fear of any Jewish authorities& even accepted the dreadful death given by them as a punishment.
"Mirabai" the greatest follower of Lord Krishna as a pure blind devotee also being torched for her devotion to Lord Krishna as a mental illness of her& even given poison by her own father in law as she propoganda the devotion of Lord Krishna on the streets as a wanderer.
4)Surround yourself with positive reinforcement:-A greatest mentor of my life Mr.Deep Trivedi,in their introduction to Bhagavad Gita tells that everyone in this universe reveals a frequency& the individual(even animal or human) have the power to catch that frequency saves themselves from upcoming incident or threat. Thus,to train our subconscious mind or power up our Subconscious Mind we have to live under positive environment vibes as it charge up like a battery which let prevent the phone from switch off. The Prime Minister of empire Hastinapur, Vidhur says this fact under this line as follows:-"Company plays a key role in the thinking& actions of an individual,i.e means to check out a person reality our first prior duty is to check out its companionship."
5)Speak your success as a present fact not a future plan:-Life is unpredictable,as it moves accordance with the flow of almighty.Thus plans are temporary solutions for a stable success. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita tells that "Life means present,nor in past& future".In addition the animated film of Kung Fu Panda Master Oogway shares his words of wisdom to Po as Po is pre occupied with the future& the past& unable to fulfill his true potential as the Dragon Warrior.The words are as follows:-. "The future is a mystery,the past is history,now is a gift,that's why it's called PRESENT."
6)Create a vision space:-"Imagination" is not a joke it is a way to visualise your goals after knowing your inner soul capabilities.Thus,to reach your desired goals you visualise your dreams as a real picture happens in front of us.There are 2 ways to create a vision space:-
1)Write your daily goals on a page& hang on your bedroom:-Successful video Creator Bhuvan Bam always write his day to day actions (or schedule) at his room& watches everyday& promises himself to fulfil that action on that particular day.
Bhuvan Bam
2)Meditate& visualise your success comes true:-Zestful people can do whatever they want as they do a their actions with full fun& flow and not regards any result for it.This mindset actions are called as "Akaram" in Bhagavad Gita.These types of individuals sees their dreams with open eyes and feels that the whole universe already fulfill their dreams. In the film "Om Shanti Om"Sharukh Khan has the same mentality as he sees and feels the dreams that he is the best actor of Bollywood and holding a Oscar award& people give high applause for his best films ever."The universe fulfill his true imagination in the next birth as a gift."
7)Identify your Resistance:-Resistance means the power to face problems or obstacles.We have to check our resistance power as it tells about our inner wing capabilities to holds the situations. Ask yourself why you feel better when you procrastinate,or why getting what you really want could actually put you in a place that makes you feel more vulnerable than ever.Find a way to meet those needs before you proceed. In short,summarise or listed about your weakness&strength before doing any task or preparation even in crucial life decisions. "Lord Krishna also says to Draupadi in Mahabharata that "Our decisions makes our present,past&future".Thus we have to check before taking any decisions.
8)Have a Master Plan for your life:-Master Plan is also known as a plan which is reliable in all situations comes within us.Draft a plan on the basis of your identification of your core values&motivations.Ask yourself what is the ultimate goal of what you want to accomplish while you are alive.Once you have the big picture values identified,you can make decisions for long-term that align with your true self. In accordance to my life mentor"Mr.Deep Trivedi it is called as "nischay atamana buddhi"(Surely the intellect)where the individual decides a goal on examination of his/her capabilities& present visible situations,likewise Lord Krishna does in his life to kill demons and even in Mahabharata as a chariot driver to fight for the righteousness and assume himself as a soul(part of almighty&universe).
A book by Mr .Deep Trivedi
The following books are the series of 6 books written by Mr.Deep Trivedi sir in simple psychological language which changes the Life of the reader like a magic wand does in Harry Potter.I am Krishna book
A pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics.Deep Trivedi is a renowned speaker,an author of numerous best -selling catalyst of change.As a speaker,Trivedi sir has given lectures& conducted workshops for more than 500 hours on subjects related to human life&psychology.My life mentor and the best lectures given by them in accordance to me are "Full Bhagavad Gita&Lao Tzu Sutras on youtube channel."Deep Trivedi
9)Start a gratitude journal:-"Gratitude means an action to be thankful to all the people around you(even to non-living objects).This feeling of thanks free yourself from the clutches of egoism& infatuation as it fills your mind& soul with compassion which is the inherit quality of almighty& its created universe.
To better understand this let us take a day to day life incident.Let us assume that you buy a bulb from a shop for your house,don't let yourself be a buyer of this bulb as it is the feeling of selfishness& ego.After buying the bulb says thanks to the shopkeeper and even to Thomas Edision who sacrifice his life in the invention of bulb for others without any demand in return.In Bhagavad Gita these people are called as "DEVTA" & on other hand in the book of SECRET these people are termed as pure souls or angels.
10)Start asking for what you want,even if you know you will be denied:-This fact is better defined in the voice book of Krishna named "Bhagavad Gita" where Arjuna hides his fear& the feeling of hatred against Duryodhan in front of Lord Krishna where he wants to kill Duryodhan for the immense bad experiences in his mind& to his family members,but due to fear by seeing the large troops of army& undefeated personalities in the war.In short Arjuna acts like an intelligent person by saying good words of the saying written in scriptures like killing mentors&own family bothers is a sin and the entrance to hell after death.Lord Krishna says that feeling as a matter of infatuation&selfishness. In the book of "Secret"this fact is defined as the universe only understands our picture images comes in our mind with the pure color of feeling.Let us take an example of rain.You want to go to office& you don't like rain during your journey to office.The universe doesn't understands your words,it takes the color(feeling)image of rain comes to your mind&felt with your senses& accidentally the universe commence the rain for you. The better way to holds this situations is to first empty your mind filled with your thoughts(good&bad)doesn't matter&being the driver(holder)of your mind(car)as it allows you to identify your emotions& impressions comes in mind.In short,universe is like a 24*7 customer support service of your wants& thoughts.
Universe is like 24*7inbound call centre.Secret book
11)Release your attachment to the"how":-Before commencement of any project or preparation of your goal even for examinations,ask yourself "how" as it will prepare yourself for that project. This question allows you to weigh up your potentials& the way to come out from your pre dominated comfort zone. ( Axis bank )Successful personalities termed this action as "Do smart work instead of hardwork".Let us take a day to day life example to understand that concept.
In this today's scenario all office work is based on this phenomena where bosses give monthly target goals& set our salary& incentives on the basis of completion of the target given to us. Hardworking people give their full energy in the completion of project but still fails as they start that project without ask themselves "How" I complete that project in the given time period.On the other hand smart people keep that question in mind&following that question they attend meetings,increase listening skills &a easiest solution path with the calculations of their inner potential and the will to come out from their comfort zone.This leads this instant promotion& achievement of the goal at the specific period of time.The following process is also be followed by various banks where they have to sell their products at a short specific period of time.
12)Surround Yourself with allies:-Vidhur(the prime Minister of Hastinapur),always uses a saying "Our companionship reveals our life" which is now even famous in this era.Thus to fill yourself with success&stable creation we have to find that allies(friends group)which are positive,encouraging,helpful,truthful&most importantly tells about our strengths& weaknesses with prior solutions of improvement.This is called as "Aroma" or environment we create around us.Private schools& government famous organisations keep this crucial thing in their minds ie why government conducts face to face interviews before hiring any individual as employee even that individual scores higher marks in written test.Thus to only check the background,friends& community of that individual& mainly the perception of that individual about himself & life.
A illustration of interview.
13)Fill your "dead air"time with affirmation&motivation:-In accordance to Secret book "A positive affirmation or thought is more powerful than a negative thought".In new Mahabharata this fact is tells under the summary of Bhagavad Gita ie"Whatever happens in our life(in past,present&future)are all good".Its a way to send positive vibes to our mind,soul& body for stable success in life. In short ,affirmation is like a salt which increases the taste of our life food(where mind,body&soul)are its main ingredients.Thus always visualise positive images in mind& let them to see to be comes true with open eyes. Exercises like Ho' oponopono ,reading affirmative sentences in early morning with deep feeling& even during sleep visualise good images in mind let's your subconscious mind to be set on the frequency of positivity likewise we do in radio to listen music.In below there are some youtube channels links are given for all my readers.
4)SUPER-CONSCIOUS MIND:-Super-conscious mind is the hidden mind&only sess hidden world nor the visible world. This mind has a natural psychology like pleasure,fun,peace,determination,self-confidence,zest,concentration etc.We get concentration only when our senses connects with super-conscious mind as concentration is the only inherit quality of Super-conscious Mind.
All infants born with this "Super-conscious mind as all infants have concentration,zest,peace,fun,pleasure inherit as a gift of nature.To check that thing always see that a infant plays with any toy,stranger& even in mud& don't take tension of present& future as the infant is not attracted with outside scenes.
The Super-conscious mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees beyond material reality& taps into the energy&consciousness behind that reality.Some refer to this as "ether"-The essence of universe-a flow of electromagnetic waves that permeate all matter&space.
In accordance to Gillian Dalgliesh Therapies "It is a space between our thoughts".The Super-conscious mind is where true creativity is found.The Super-conscious mind is the treasure of ideas for truly great works of art,music,prose,poetry,great scientific discoveries&deep spiritual experiences are found.Profound healing of ailments can also take place in this state.
ACCESS WAY TO SUPER-CONSCIOUS MIND:-Good Meditation& feel"fully calm" is a way to experience the level of super-consciousness.Deeper in meditation& experiencing a deepening peace,calmness,divine lov& even bliss are the deeper levels of Super-conscious Mind.
Einstein described this as the "magnetic emotion"-The finest emotion of which we are capable.In hindi it is called as "Aati-chetan Maan".
5)COLLECTIVE MIND:-This word is made with two words,one is "COLLECTIVE which means a group&"MIND" means Mann.Thus,the mind which is linked all people's mind is called as "COLLECTIVE MIND".In hindi it is called as "SA MUHIK MAAN".
A collective Mind considers relationships between parts&wholes,stability&change individuals&society&rationality&creativity rather than boundaries that divide them.A mind is the action dimension of the physical brain,and is the origin of collective thinking*.
A collective mind appreciates each of those ways of understanding for itself as well as contributing to understanding the whole.
*Collective thinking is about using the collective mind of both the individual&society.Developing a collective mind releases immense capabilities of individuals& of societies.
A collective Mind celebrates& harnesses diversity with a motto of social welfare with selfless service by the following:-
1)Welcoming the diversity among people's:-People under COLLECTIVE MIND welcomes everyone ideas,thoughts& beliefs with neutral mindset which makes that individual distinct from others.
Let us take a life experience of mine where I first join network marketing meeting of a company who allows everyone to express his/her feelings with no thinking of any caste,religion or status.This shows the COLLECTIVE MIND thinking of that company.
A example of Collective Thinking
2)Treating apparent opposites as interdependent relationships:-This creates revolution in society with a flow which can't be stopped as it is a flow of fresh air which inhale the society with oxygen of zest& positivity& with new opportunities. Let us take a instance of online payment to shops introduced by Mr.Narender Modi which creates revolution of apps like Paytm,Phone Pay,Google Pay etc which saves cash of people& instant payment.
Revolutionary step by Our Prime Minister.
3)Drawing on all the evidence produced by the multiple ways of understanding:-This type of individuals all people's as one like lord Krishna treats everyone as a part of society,country& universe in the form of soul.
In short they works upon all the psychological phenomenon of all the people's around them with positivity and after that draws conclusions with permanent solutions for all which can't be denied by others& this shows personal,biophysical,social,ethical,aesthetic,sympathetic,reflective&compassionate thinking of that individual.
4)Working within the principles of deep democracy:-The word "Democracy" comes from two Greek words,one is "demos"which means PEOPLE&"Kratos" meaning POWER,so democracy can be termed as "POWER OF THE PEOPLE" ,a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.In short a government on behalf of all the people according to their "will". Thus "Deep Democracy"means the thinking of others with deep compassion & allows them to be self- independent.A famous propoganda of our honourable Prime Minister during their speeches is "ATMANIRBHAR BANO" is the best example under this context as our Prime Minister gives energy to all citizens during Lockdown& pandemic to live their life with their own capabilities& with no dependency.In short all participants bring their whole selves to the task.
According to Emile Durkheim "The totality of beliefs&sentiments common to the average member of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own.It can be termed the collective or common consciousness."Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim
In Mr. Deep Trivedi simple language "This mind is connected with all peoples mind .The main characteristic of that mind that people who are alive or no more,this mind is connected with both of them as a "Single Mind" who comes to each& every person under division& connected with all.
Let us take an example of Antakshari where most of the people sung same song on the given letter,it is so because it is due to COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS MIND.
A product becomes famous in a single night,or a propoganda by any government becomes a sense of interest among many people.Moreover a song becomes a blockbuster within a couple of seconds or a book becomes a million sold books within a day.It is so because as it all work upon the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS MIND.
Yo Yo Honey Singh Song Blue eyes which released on the second half of 2013 took the entire nation swiftly&became an instant hit amongst the youngsters.
This mind catches intuition,calculates future&this mind only sees invisible world.A research done by scientists proved the above fact scientifically& done by scientists mostly in an era of 100 years.
RESEARCH:-In a park,there are 100to150 trees,scientists installed cardiogram in each plant& then send a woodcutter with an axe to cut a tree of his choice.The woodcutter with full zest moves in the park& when he puts his axe to its chosen tree,the frequency calculates by the cardiogram changes before the 10minutes of action done by the woodcutter.This shows that trees have also the quality to determine the future with accuracy with zero error.
Animals also have the same quality where they get already alert of any storm or earthquake before its commencement.It is due to all are active in their respective COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS MIND.Lady Diana is a name who everyone knows like children knows "Maggi"on their lips.,as when she tragically lost her life on a car accident in Paris on August 31,1997 as a nature wish.
After a week later on September 6,1997,her funeral in London was the highest TRP show ever in London at that time.All the world set on a pause button and people are willingly saw her death funeral as never seen ever event.Even the President of America Bill Clinton cancelled all their busy schedule& especially attend her funeral as the memorable farewell day ever.
Lady Diana Funeral photo
A famous line mostly hear by my elders is "All this visible world is an illusion" as all people sees the visible success of everyone but never see that individual inner wing(Mind mechanism) under that process. The above fact is clearly described in Bhagavad Gita where Arjuna assumes Krishna as a normal person from visible body but lord Krishna emphasis Arjuna mind towards the hidden form.of Krishna as the source of all souls.[Adhyay 7 in Bhagavad Gita,"I am almighty presence of consciousness in a things(living&non-living) present around me or in the universe,time& space."
इस श्लोक में भगवान कृष्ण सामूहिक सचेतन मन में उनके मन को लेते हैं और सेट करते हैं, जहां कृष्ण सभी आत्माओं (चाहे वे जीवित हों या नहीं) को अपने में एक आत्मा के रूप में लेते हैं और आंखों (जीवित और निर्जीव) से दिखाई देने वाली सभी चीजों की विशाल चेतना का स्रोत हैं।
6) सहज मन:- "निम्न शब्द दो अलग-अलग शब्दों से मिलकर बना है, पहला है "*स्वस्फूर्त" और दूसरा है मन।
*स्वाभाविक अर्थात बिना बाहरी बाधा के प्राकृतिक भावना या देशी प्रवृत्ति से आगे बढ़ना। छोटे विचारों या विचारों या ज्ञान में भी नदी प्रवाह या वायु प्रवाह जैसे विचारों के प्रवाह के साथ आता है। इस प्रकार सहज मन महान विचारों, कला, कविता का दिव्य खजाना है। आदि जो तुलनीय नहीं हो सकता। जॉर्ज नॉर्थऑफ़ द्वारा लिखित "स्पॉन्टेनियस ब्रेन" पुस्तक में तर्क दिया गया है कि हमें मस्तिष्क और दुनिया के बीच गतिशील spatiotemporal संरेखण के लिए मस्तिष्क-विश्व-संबंध को समझने के बजाय प्राचीन और अट्रैक्टिव मन-शरीर की समस्या को हल करने और ध्यान केंद्रित करने की आवश्यकता है, जो कि दिमागीपन है।
सहज मन के साथ, इस मन में विचार उत्पन्न होते हैं जिन्हें सहज विचार कहा जाता है। आइए हम सहज विचार को परिभाषित करें।
Spontaneous thought is any thought,memory,feeling ,daydream or fantasy disconnected from ongoing tasks or sensory experience.Often,people mind -wander when engaged in repetitive tasks that don't require all their attention. Examples of Spontaneous Thoughts are "Kabir Dhoa",Lord Krishna Bhagavad Gita knowledge &Steve Job invention of Apple Company after seeing a mouse in the Xerox office with his friend.
7)ULTIMATE MIND:-This is a mind which relates us to the no mind state where you are the witness or viewer of almighty,nature etc.In short it is the universal mind or universal consciousness is a metaphysical concept suggesting an underlying essence of all being& becoming in the universe.It is the best,most&greatest of its kind. Bhagavad Gita the verse of Lord Krishna where they shows the immortal,endless vast consciousness to Arjuna from the divine eyes of spirituality is the example of Ultimate Mind of Lord Krishna where Lord Krishna sets himself to the end mind and sees the world,universe& each creature as the part of its soul& treated their own soul as the source of all the souls which are alive or no more.
महान संत "रामकृष्ण परमहंस" काली माँ के दिव्य दर्शन को, भारतीय सभी इंद्रियों को दिव्य ज्ञान और समृद्धि के समृद्ध के रूप में हैं।
R ESEARCH PAPE R ON YIN AND YANG REFERRED BY: M.R. S.C. SHARMA PRESENTED BY: VINAY GUPTA Q.1)What is Yin? Ans.Yin is the cooling system of human body which includes fluids and blood..Accordance to ancient scholars. The formation of the wor ld is based on yin-yang theory.W orld is build by the joining of two diff erent energies-Pr akrati&Purush. While treating and curing any disease the knowledge of Yin and Yang is very essential.In China the hidden part of the body it is called as YIN. Yin comprises Earth+Water components.
Research Paper On Three Doshas Referred by: Mr S.C. Sharma Presented by: Mr. Vinay Gupta Q,1)What are three Doshas in Ayurveda ? Ans. This natur e and universe psychology is based on the three dimension which is fitted in everything. For example: In science there are three forms of matter i,e is solid, liquid&gas.As same there are three forms in atoms in matter itself called as "Electron,Proton&Neutron.In geography there are 3 latitudes ie is longitudes, latitudes and equator.In thinking process Negative,positive and neutral. Thus, as same there are three doshas described in Ayurveda under Ling sutra(that tells about the symptoms of disorders) which are called as Vaat., Pitta and Kapha. Q.2)What is Vaat Dosha? Ans. Vaat dosha is the first dosha in Ayureda(a traditional Indian system of medicine).This dosha is formed with the combination of (AKASH+VAYU)elements&it governs movement,circulation,respiration and nervous system,In acc...
Sins& Deed In this blog, we will came across the concept of sins & deeds ,the words seems familiar& realises to be the same but under concept they are differ from each other let us discuss. Sins are the work done under the conflict of mind & brain& vice-versa. In a religious context,sin is a transgression against divine law. Each culture has its own interpretation of what it means to commit a sin.While sins are generally considered actions,any thought,word,or act considered immortal,selfish,shameful,harmful,or alternating might be termed sinful. ...