Fear & it's forms

                              Fear & it's forms 

What is fear? Fear stands for " Forced Energy Activate Reaction".ln simple words, it is an unusual force that can't be determined without a psychologist.                          In other words, it is also called as " False Energy Activated Reaction" ie means the force which is false & virtual, this is upon our mindset that how we define fear.                                       FORMS OF FEAR.                                                                                                 

 In this universe everything has 3 forms of aspects, this fear has 3 forms:- ANGER , ANXIETY & FRUSTRATION , we can classify it in the. solid , liquid & gas form of fear.         

1) ANGER:- Initally, anger is the common habit of mind, but it is a force  that occurs when you have a doubt for achieving something & vice versa under scientific language, it is a solid form of fear or  first base of fear.                                                            

2)  ANXIETY:- Anxiety means involvement of fear in the liquid form which is called DEPRESSION,under biological sense it is coming from mind & release chemicals in brain in such a way that it stops our sense of thinking or it creates a war between Thoughts (brain) & emotions (mind).               

3) FRUSTRATION:- When fear changes into gas it is  called FRUSTRATION,it may also be called as last stage of fear which a person reflects with his/ her words, behaviour & body language. Suicide is an example of frustration or the decision of harm others came under this context.






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