
15 Best Books on Mythology

  15 Best Books on Mythology Introduction Today we're diving deep into the realm of imagination and sharing with you guys the best books on mythology.Mythology is pretty much a collection of myths that belong to a specific religion or cultural tradition.While some people are fascinated by the larger than life characters from Greek mythology such as Heracles and Zeus,others intrigued by the mystery of the Egyptians and this list has books that cover both of them in great detail along with other mythologies.But let's cut to the chase.Here are the best books on mythology.                                    1)Norse Mythology:-(By Neil Gaiman):- Starting off  with a fantastic book that retells the most incredible & captivating stories from the northern germantic civilizations.Usually,when people hear about Norse mythology they think either Thor or Loki! Thanks Marvel...No Odin,no Frey...

Historical Events Of India

Image   Historical Events of India Introduction In this today's blog we will discuss the major events happened in India who creates history and bring up a new revolution in various fields.The following data is taken from the book named "A Vision of India" who showcases the golden era of 100 eventual years from ( 1901-2000) and here we discuss some of the major events from this period.                                 1)1911-Mail by Air India became the first country in the world to send mail by plane.Henri Piquet carried 6,500 letters and postcards in his Humber biplane from the exhibition grounds at Allahabad to Naini junction,nine kilometres away.                           In 1920, another attempt was made by the Indian Postal Department to start an airmail service between Mu...